Course Overview 1 MAT 279 Data Communication and the Internet Prof. Shamik Sengupta Office 4210 N Spring 2010
Course Overview 2 What is the course about? Introductory course for computer networking/Internet learn applications of Internet/networks learn components of Internet/networks learn practice of World Wide Web Goals: Learning applications, concepts, practice Enjoy…
Course Overview 3 Timing and Contact Information Class meeting time: Monday and Wednesday o section 01: 9:40am – 10:55am Office hours: o North Hall, 4210 o Monday (11:00am – 12:30pm) Or By appointments Office Phone:
Course Overview 4 Course Material Information Course materials: o No single textbook. o Class notes and slides. o References to current materials from journals, magazines and other websites may also be used. o Reference Texts: Computer Networking: A top down approach, 5th ed. Addison- Wesley by Kurose and Ross, ISBN-10: | ISBN-13: HTML A Beginner's Guide, 4th Edition, by Wendy Willard, ISBN-13: New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML: Comprehensive, 5th Edition, by Patrick M. Carey, ISBN-10: | ISBN-13:
Course Overview 5 Material Information (contd.) Class WWW site: o o Blackboard online o Materials will be posted on these sites Class notes Articles Assignments Grades [BLACKBOARD] Feel free to ask me any questions… o When ing: “MAT 279 ”
Course Overview 6 Course Syllabus Overview Internet overview, Layered architecture, Communication protocols Application Layer (HTTP, FTP, etc.) TCP, IP addressing Ethernet LAN Security Hands-on experience and case studies! HTML webpage development (detail in next slide)
Course Overview 7 Course Syllabus Overview (contd.) HTML webpage development o HTML Introduction o HTML tags and attributes o Introducing Lists o Exploring website structures o Introducing Hyperlinks o Introducing style sheets o Web tables o Web Frames o Web Forms o And others
Course Overview 8 Grading Information Workload and grading: Course workapprox % Projects20% Three Homework assignments30% Midterm exam25% Final In-class Quiz25% Extra-credit assignments as decided by Instructor. Late policy Submission will not be accepted after due date Permission needed for exceptional circumstances Attendance
Course Overview 9 Grading Information (Project) Project: (15 weeks time) o Individual Project o Can be either 1. Website design OR 2. Term paper o The purpose of the website project option is to give you a chance of learning about HTML in detail and website development o The purpose of the term paper option is to give you a chance to study (independently) a topic of your choice in the general area of Internet and security.
Course Overview 10 Grading Information (more) Three Homework assignments o Usually 1 week for submission o Tentative schedule has been uploaded Midterm Exam o Open book/Open Note exam o Approx. 1 hour Final In-class Quiz o Open book/Open Note exam o Approx. 1 hour o Primarily on HTML There may be extra-credit assignment
Course Overview 11 Questions, Comments, …??