Microcomputer systems 1 ECE 3551 Dipesh Patel
Activating Filters using the pushbuttons. Combination of LEDs turned on with each pushbutton pressed.
PushbuttonLEDs turned onFilters Active PF8 pressed onceLEDs 4,5,6 activeHighpass 1 active PF8 pressed twiceLEDs 7,8,9 activeLowpass 2 active PF8 pressed thriceNo LED activeNo filter active PF9 pressed onceLEDs 4,5,8,9 activeHighpass 2 active PF9 pressed twiceLEDs 6,7 activeLowpass 2 active PF9 pressed thriceNo LED activeNo filter active PF10 pressed onceAll LEDs activeHighpass 3 active PF10 pressed twiceLEDs 5,8 activeLowpass 3 active PF10 pressed thriceNo LEDs activeNo filter active PF 11 pressed onceLEDs 4,6,7,9 activeBandpass active PF11 pressed twiceNo LEDs activeNo filter active
Used Matlab to design Filters. fdatool in the Matlab pops up the window for filters. The filters were all chebyschev type II and the order that was specified was 8.
The input x[n] and the output y[n] of an IIR filter satisfy the Nth order linear coefficient linear equation. The first coefficient of the y[k] series is 1 and therefore the 2 nd equation holds true.
Transfer function is as follows: The implementation takes place as follows:
The filtering of audio signals take place in the process data.c file. The filters are actually implemented in the process data.c file using the arrays for the filter coefficients. The actual calling of the LEDs and pushbutton takes place in ISR.c file.
EX_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(FlagA_ISR). Sport0 RX ISR IVG 9 EX_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(Sport0_RX_ISR). FlagA ISR IVG 12 The 1 st interrupt handler is caused when any of the pushbutton from PF8 to PF 11 is pressed. The 2 nd interrupt handler is caused when any of the audio signal is transferred through a buffer.
The SPI port is disabled after initialization. All the data transfer takes place through SPORT.
Make sure that all the SW9 pins are on that enables the pushbuttons from PF8 – PF11. We need to initialize the LEDs and the pushbuttons in order to use them. The memory of LEDs should be set to 0x01 in order to use them as output.
This project can be used in an audio recording company. They don’t need to buy amplifiers. The signals can be amplified as desired using the Blackfin processor, the visual DSP software and matlab.