BAO Damping and Reconstruction Cheng Zhao 2015.04.16.


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Presentation transcript:

BAO Damping and Reconstruction Cheng Zhao

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) Density fluctuation + pressure → sound wave Standard Ruler (100 Mpc/h) Daniel Eiensenteinhttps://

BAO Damping Advancing scale of nonlinear gravitational collapse: Bulk flow Supercluster formation Halo formation (subdominant) Redshift space distortion (RSD) Kaiser effect Finger of God (FoG) Physical Interpretation Hamilton 1998de Lapparent V. et al, 1986

BAO Damping z = 49 z = 0 2-point correlation function Power spectra Eisenstein et al., 2007

BAO Damping Modeling of Power Spectrum

BAO Damping Modeling of Power Spectrum

BAO Damping Prada et al., 2014

BAO Damping

Open symbols: dispersion of dark matter pair separation at BAO scales.

BAO Reconstruction Linear Theory

BAO Reconstruction Linear Theory z = 49 z = 0 Eisenstein et al., Mpc/h filter / Without FoG comp. 10Mpc/h filter / With FoG comp.

BAO Reconstruction Zel’dovich Approximation