PHYSICAL CHANGES WITH AGING Aging is a natural process which begin at birth.
NERVOUS SYSTEM CHANGES Brain changes Decrease in number Atherosclerosis (poor bld flow, confusion) Vision changes Glaucoma(intraocular pressure causing damage to the optic disks & hardening of eyeball) Cataract..(clouding of the lenses of the eye)
HEARING CHANGES Hearing changes more noticable in the 60’s High-frequency sounds such as doorbells,phones may not be heard Loss of understanding of consonants and vowel sounds
TASTE,SMELL,TOUCH All decline with age Taste buds decline Elderly may not smell spoiled food or body odor Elderly may request more salt and sugar Touch and reflexes deminish
MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Osteoarthritis causes pain and slowing of movement Osteoporosis may cause fractures with very little stress Reduced stamina makes elderly less active
RESPIRATORY AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEMS Lungs become less elastic makes gas exchange more difficult Rib cage does not expand as much Heart becomes less efficient Arteriosclerosis may cause high blood pressure
GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM Constipation Loss of teeth interfere with chewing Liver does not metabolize drugs as well
URINARY SYSTEM Bladder Problems holds less urine as person ages prone to infections, more urgency, and discomfort
ROLE CHANGES sense of independence, security and self esteem Family relationship..provide warmth, intimacy, and identity Social roles..provide interaction with others, respect, and sense of belonging Environment..change may frighten, loss of control and independence.