Shaw Trust is a national charity with over 25 years experience of helping people with health problems and disabilities return to work.
Shaw Trust, South Tyneside, has been helping people with health problems since April In South Tyneside over the last 12 months we have helped over 400 people into work. Shaw Trust is the largest voluntary organisation providing employment services to people with health problems and disabilities with over 260 projects and 1150 dedicated staff members.
Anyone claiming the following: Incapacity Benefit Severe Disablement Allowance Income Support with a Disability Premium National Insurance credits on the ground of incapacity (on their own or with Income Support) Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
One to one support to help you find the right job! In-house training including Confidence Building and Job Search Benefit level protection for up to 2 years after starting work We will check to ensure that activities you do will not effect your benefits “Better off in Work” Calculations and advice on Tax Credits Financial Support £200 Job Start Grant Support for 1 year after you have started work
When you have gained employment you will receive in work support A dedicated team of advisers offering support for up to 12 months Any concerns or problems you may have, we will be there to offer advice and support Benefit Level Protection, for up to 2 years
Following a serious car accident in 2001, Ashley showed immense courage and determination to regain her life as soon as possible. In early 2005 and as soon as Ashley was mobile again she approached Shaw Trust, South Tyneside, to request assistance to help her achieve her goal to become a Beauty Therapist. Since then Shaw Trust has been able to support Ashley in achieving her qualifications, attend Shaw Trust’s confidence building course and assist her into part time employment through permitted work which eventually lead to a casual position as beauty therapist for the Newcastle/Gateshead Hilton Hotel. Ashley went from strength to strength physically and psychologically and has been able to recuperate sufficiently to the point where since October 2007 she has been able to take on a more substantive job at the Hilton working as a beauty therapist. Ashley
Helpful and friendly staff Welcoming atmosphere Bring a friend or relative Information available in alternative formats Our North East Branches