Wen-ling Liu Librarian for East Asian Studies Wells Library E860 Tel.: Fax: October 10, Featuring Electronic Resources in Korean Studies
IUB Libraries
Korean Studies
Databases for Korean Studies Korean Studies E-Korean Studies E-Korean Studies DBpia DBpia KRpia 한국의지식콘텐츠 KRpia 한국의지식콘텐츠 Yonhaengnok CollectionYonhaengnok Collection 燕行錄 -- trial till 11/24/2013 Naver News Library Naver News Library 5
General Databases Related to Korean Studies 6 IUCAT WorldCat Bibliography of Asian Studies ** Ebsco E-books JSTOR New York Times ( ) – ProQuest Historical NewspapersProQuest Historical Newspapers Brill E-Books Collection Google Books HathiTrust Digital Library Factiva
BAS contains 787,165 records on all subjects pertaining to Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present 7
E-Korean Studies 10 Covers all academic disciplines and includes nine databases of full-text journal articles, and some newspapers and e-books: KISS: 한국학술정보 원문 데이터베이스 = original database of Koreanstudies Information Service System -- indexed 5,600 journals from 1,200 institutions, Chosun Ilbo (1920-prersent), Donga Ilbo ( , 1999-present) – full-text KSI E-book ( 한국학술정보 단행본 및 e-book) – more than 4,500 e-books published after KSI E-book( 한국학술정보 단행본 및 e-book) KoreaA2Z ( 한국학 DB 콘텐츠 ) -- Annals of the Choson dynasty, Koryo Tripitaka KoreaA2Z Digital Culture Art Course ( 디지털문화예술강좌 ) e-lectures in 8 subjects. Digital Culture Art Course ( 디지털문화예술강좌 ) Kdatabase ( 한국현대사 통합데이터베이스 ) – Korean modern history, including Digital North Korean biographical Dictionary and Digital North Korean Encyclopedia Kdatabase 한국현대사 통합데이터베이스 ) KPjournal ( 북한학술지 통합데이터베이스 ) -- North Korea academic journals for sciences. KPjournal ( 북한학술지 통합데이터베이스 ) Korean History & Culture Research Database ( 한국 역사문화 조사 자료 데이터베이스 ) Korean History & Culture Research Database( 한국 역사문화 조사 자료 데이터베이스 ) History Culture Series ( 역사문화시리즈 ) – archaeological academic reports LawnB ( 로앤비 법률정보 서비스 ) -- legal information service
E-Korea Studies
DBpia ( 전자 저널 서비스 ) Full-text database of scholarly journals published by major Korean academic societies and research institutes. It includes more than 1.6 million articles (video lectures, WebDB, e-books included) from over 1,841 journals from 1918 onwards. Best viewed in Internet Explorer
KRpia 한국의지식콘텐츠 Knowledge content resource focused on Korean traditional studies containing 269 digital products categorized under 11 subjects (including: history, literature, art, culture, religion, philosophy, sociology, classics of Korean studies, work of individual author, traditional medicine, and animal and plants) Full-text and image with bibliographic data. Best viewed in Internet Explorer.
Naver News Library Provides digital archive service for news reports published between 1920 and 1999 from the following three Korean newspapers: 1. Tonga ilbo 東亞日報 : Ky ŏ nghyang sinmun 京鄕新聞 : 3. Maeil ky ŏ ngje sinmun 每日經濟新聞 : Hangyurye 한겨례 : Full-text keyword searching. Three display options - original text, Han’gul version text, and original images.
Other Databases for Korean studies 28 RISS for Higher Education 한국교육학술정보원 (Korea Education & Research Information Service) : RISS for Higher Educationhttp:// Korean Knowledge Portal: Nate Korean Studies: Statistics Korea: Korea Integrated News Database System: Glossary for Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
Korean Romanization Systems 29 McCune-Reischauer Romanization System for Korean Language ALA-LC Romanization Tables (PDF format)
ionTable.html 30
Questions? Wen-ling Liu 32