Business Communication Course Guideline Spring Semester 2015 Textbook: The Business 2.0 Pre-Intermediate (Macmillan Business) Course details and goals: To offer a language course for students to improve their speaking skills in business and professional settings. Course information: Welcome to Business Communication. This is a course offered to enthusiastic students looking to make use of their time to improve their English business and communication skills through the use of conversation, L/C development and case-studies. The course is aimed at any student who is motivated to increase their speaking ability in a business setting. The goal is to allow students to learn the skills and language necessary to survive well in the business world and to conduct their business in English.. Through the use of video, text and pair work, and various kinds of activities students should gain confidence in speaking and reading while fine tuning grammatical skills and enhancing vocabulary as well as using practical knowledge to work through real business case studies. Course requirements: Attendance to every class is important. Practicing the English in a class friendly environment will help to improve your English. Participation in class is also vital to improve English. Review what you have learnt in your conversations. Students should possess a beginner to intermediate or even advanced level. The class will provide many opportunities to participate so it is a great opportunity to improve. Have fun! If you enjoy the class you will remember and learn more.! SEE YOU SOON
Mar 16th, 17th Introduction / Introducing Y Mar 18th, 19th Case Study 1: Fortune Garments – QA, Design, Responding to Customer Needs Mar. 23, 24th Case Study 1: Fortune Garments – QA, Design, Responding to Customer Needs Mar. 25th, 26th Case Study 2: Caferoma – Dealing With Problems Mar. 30th, 31st Key Points and Classic Style Introduction Apr. 1st, 2nd Case Study 3: The Team Building Seminar Apr. 6th, 7th A Good Hook: Mini Speech Apr. 8th, 9th Concludin Case Study 4: Focus Advertising – Key Questions and Assessments Apr. 13 th 14th Full Introduction Presentations Apr. 15th, 16th Case Study 5: Slim Gyms – Hiring Staff/HR Apr. 20th, 21st How to Sell Yourself: Key Language and Expressions Apr. 22nd, 23rd Case Study 6: Ashbury Guitars - Negotiating Apr. 27th, 28th Getting to Know the Audience, Using PPT Apr. 29th, 30th Case Study 7: International Leatherware - Presentations May 4th, 5th Keeping Them Interested – Full Presentation May 6th, May 7th Writing a Conclusion May. 11th, May 12t h Ending on A High Note (Mic Drop) May 13th, May 14t h Full Persuasive Presentation: Strong Visuals May 18th, 19th Informing the Audience: The Structure of an Informative Speech May 20th, 21st Providing Both Sides of the Argument May 25 th, 26th Holiday – Review Units 7,8 May 27th, 28th Providing Opinions June 1st, 2nd A Well Rounded Presentation June 3rd, 4th Chunking, Scripting, Editing June 8th, 9th Peer Editing June 10th, 11th Negotiation Activity