Author Title Author Name Universal Credit Briefing
Universal Credit: Customer First Briefing Session Session outcomes: Be made aware of what universal credit is and who can claim Understand how universal credit is comprised and how it will be paid to customers Explore the potential impact of universal credit on customers and the organisation Consider the role of the landlord in helping customers to prepare for universal credit Consider their own job roles in contributing towards mitigating the risks to the organisation.
It’s not all bad…… Simplify the system Make the system fairer Promote personal responsibility Promote financial independence To make people better off in work than on benefits To make it easier to move from benefits into work Reduce fraud and error To support self employment – minimum income floor Reduce the stigma of benefits
Universal Credit What is it? Call my bluff!
Who can currently claim UC “Gateway Criteria” “Simple” claims only So who will go onto UC initially? New jobseekers: Finishing work Being found fit for work JSA terminated School / college / university leavers Separating couples Carer who stops caring
Standard Allowance What is this? Housing Element what is this?
How and when will UC be paid? 1. On – line application 2. Telephone application 3. Within 7 days of application invited to interview at job centre Claimant commitment signed, job search commence 4. One calendar month later – payment made to applicant 5. Monthly Assessment Period – interface with HMRC 6. Set payment date each month.
What are the concerns for customer? In pairs discuss what concerns customers will have when they are in receipt of Universal Credit…
What are the concerns for the Accord Group? In pairs discuss what concerns the Accord Group will have when more of our customers are in receipt of Universal Credit…
What is the Accord Group’s role in helping our customers that are in receipt of Universal Credit? Tenancy Sustainment Money Advice Health and Wellbeing Digital Inclusion Jobs and Skills
What are the key elements to Universal Credit that are applicable to your role? 1. What are YOU going to do following the information you have gained today? 2. How will you keep up to date with further information…..
Questions? Thanks for participating… Feedback is helpful