Global Design Effort Close-Out Points EDR time-scale (2010) –No demonstrations to ILC-like RF unit –3(?) CMs constructed at FNAL – not RDR baseline –2(?)


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Presentation transcript:

Global Design Effort Close-Out Points EDR time-scale (2010) –No demonstrations to ILC-like RF unit –3(?) CMs constructed at FNAL – not RDR baseline –2(?) CM constructed – not RDR baseline –XFEL mass-production ~20-30 XFEL CMs mass-produced and high-power tested What to put into the EDR? –Must be a construction-ready or near construction-ready technology –Gradient is still an issue (~independent of CM design/DFM S0 remains GDE highest-priority) –Plug-compatibility concept for alternative designs (R&D) needs refinement (on-going) –NB coupler kicks clearly mandate some modifications: minimum intervention? NB: beyond EDR equally important –We want to construct machine with best (cost effective) and mature state- of-art technology VERY IMPORTANT for EDR: show that US/Asia have attained core competency in SC ML technology

Global Design Effort Work Packages WP (for EDR!) need clearer definition –Template coming International resource situation must be taken into account –At level-3 –Certainly at PM level For SC magnets, cold BPM, coupler, etc. known resources from Europe and Asia have to be included –They bring much needed money to the table, and strengthen the global collaboration –Presentations where FNAL-centric Resource balancing will happen at some level –WP allocation not yet a done deal Discussion on “alternative” down select very useful –Plug compatibility avoids the ‘down-select’ issue to some level –For the EDR (!) status and maturity of ‘plug compatible’ components will still need to be evaluated –New VALUE estimate must reflect most mature designs (minimum risk) (side comment: find down-select an ugly concept – need a better word)

Global Design Effort What are the MLI responsibilities / WPs Cavity package - no Cryomodule - no HLRF development - no Specifying performance parameters – yes! Optimisation (cost/performance) of complete system – yes! Integration layout issues – yes! Beam dynamics (performance issues) – yes! Lattice design – yes! CFS interfaces – yes! … WPs should reflect milestones in producing a fully integrated design for the ML

Global Design Effort Other critical issues HP/HOM coupler wakes –Mandates modification to CM/Cavity ? Waveguide heat-loss issues –And operational issues  LLRF LLRF required overhead and operation (gradient spread) –  consider experiments at TTF Coupler design –IMO only issue is possibility of cost reduction for mass-production –Again, many ‘variants’: relationship with EDR needs to be understood and quantified Reliability often mentioned –Need plan and ‘definition of success’. CFS requirements, interfaces, derivatives (performance/cost) THESE (and others) should appear as WPs in the WBS. –Should also devise WPs covering possible experiments to do at TTF (for example)

Global Design Effort VALUE estimate (EDR policy) We have not discussed directly costs! –Perhaps implicitly The CURRENT VALUE RDR estimate will be linked with the BASELINED definition, and both will be put under change control Changes to the VALUE estimate will be reviewed (formal change request) –As part of a technical change request to the baseline (cost impact) –Or as an update VALUE estimate for the existing baseline. PM considers this critical for maintaining costs –VALUE estimate will evolve continuously as EDR progresses –(Should consider scheduled reviews/re-estimates for key systems) –Hopefully avoid last minute panic and “sticker shock” at end of ED phase WE are looking for actions that reduce the cost, not increase it (“better” performance)

Global Design Effort Recap: immediate goal for GDE meeting WP definitions must be documented and available by GDE meetings –For this group this is Chris’ responsibility –(template next week) Open WP allocation process: all international interest and available resources must be considered FNAL meeting will have parallel sessions for refining WP definitions and continued discussions on critical technical issues. Formally establish EDR baseline –Plug compatibility design parameter specifications for cavity and cryomodule We need a plan, Gentlemen!

Global Design Effort Finally… Thanks for a great and extremely interesting meeting! –Presenters! –Special thanks to Chris for orchestrating