The peasant’s revolt By Freddie Woodd
Why did the peasants revolt? (a) The manors and estates had fallen short of workers due to the Black Death some 40 years earlier. Many barons were desperate for workers and paid the peasants to work on their land and many bought their freedom. However, as the population grew they were afraid of this freedom being taken away.
Why did the peasants revolt? (b) The peasants had to work on the church land for free. They thought the church was rich and they were poor, while during the Black Deth the church had not helped them. They were not happy with this and were supported by a priest called John Ball who believed all were equal as children of Adam and Eve.
Why did the peasants revolt? (c) The recent war with France had cost money. Richard II introduced the Poll Tax, initially at 4d for every adult over 15 years and more for barons and well off. In 1380 the tax suddenly went up to 12d for everybody, including barons. 12d was a great deal of money to the peasants and not much for the barons, and so they got very angry with the king.
One day, in May1381 A tax collector arrives in Fobbing, Essex, puzzled by why they had not paid their taxes?
THE PEASANTS REFUSE TO PAY THE TAX! The peasants threw the tax collector out of the village. The tax collector returns in June with some soldiers, but they to are also thrown out by the peasants. They had had enough of the tax and were now aware of their strength as a mini army. They and the surrounding villages rise and march to London, demanding to see the King – who they don’t blame as he is only 14 - while other peasants from Kent join them.
Who led the peasants to London? King Richard and the free commons” One peasant emerged as the leader of the peasants, named Wat Tyler. He was a peasant from Kent. The peasants marched to London, chanting “King Richard and the free commons”
Rochester Castle By June 6 th the peasants had stormed Rochester castle and then set free John Ball, a priest, from Maidstone prison. He believed that as all men and women had been descended from Adam and Eve, all men should be equal!
Their journey As they marched to London, they destroyed tax records and registers. The buildings that held government records were burned.
London The peasants arrived in London on June 13 th. They were let into the city because the people had left the gates open to them.
However…. By mid June, the discipline of the peasants had faded. Many got drunk in London. It is known that foreigners were murdered by peasants, lawyers attacked and nobles houses looted.
So….. Wat Tyler asked for his respect…. He did not get any.
On June 14 th …… On June 14th, the king met the rebels at Mile End. At this meeting, Richard II gave the peasants all that they asked for and asked that they go home in peace. Some did. Others returned to the city, were let into the Tower and murdered the Archbishop and Treasurer - their heads were cut off on Tower Hill. Richard II spent the night in hiding in fear of his life.
June 15 th ….. On June 15th, he met the rebels again at Smithfield outside of the city’s walls. It is said that this was the idea of the Lord Mayor (Sir William Walworth) who wanted to get the rebels out of the city. Medieval London was wooden and the streets were cramped. Any attempt to put down the rebels in the city could have ended in a fire or the rebels would have found it easy to vanish into the city once they knew that soldiers were after them.
And…? Wat Tyler met the King and demanded more extreme demands – the Church lands given to the poor and his advisers executed. Walworth struck him down after he was rude to the King – the peasant raised their weapons but Richard trotted towards them and promised he would keep his promises. They went home. Tyler’s head replaced that of the Archbishop of Canterbury on Tower Hill.
And….? By the summer of 1381, the revolt had ended. Richard didn’t keep his promises and hunted down the ring leaders. John Ball had been hanged, as well as other leaders of Essex and Kent.
Short term effectsLong term effects 1.The beginning of the end of the feudal system. 2. The beginning of the end of Serfism (very poor peasants) 3.The government stopped controlling the wages 4.By 1500 there were no villains and all labourers were free 1.The poll tax was never charged again. 2.Ringleaders were rounded up and executed.
Made by Freddie Woodd