Housing at the extremes: austerity, prosperity and systems change Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England Adam Stephenson 7 May 2016 HSA Conference, York
Homelessness policy framework: Statutory system (1977) Rough sleeping strategies (1990) Prevention-focused approach (2002) Austerity and localisation (2010-): Welfare reform (Benefit Cap; LHA) Localism (PRSOs & suitability) Funding (HPG; SP; TA subsidy; single homelessness) System change Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England
Welfare-housing regimes are ideological ‘constellations of power’ (Esping-Andersen, 1990; Kemeny, 1995) Regimes cause welfare systems to evolve and diverge Regimes & systems Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England
Local welfare systems (Alberta & Mingione, 2014) Local responses to homelessness: ‘Revanchanist city’ (Smith, 1996) ‘Neoliberal’ & ‘developmental’ urban welfare regimes (Marr, 2015) ‘Liberal’ v ‘restrictive’ statutory systems (Duncan & Evans, 1988) ‘Local homelessness scenes’ (Cloke et al, 2010) Local systems Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England
Hypotheses: 1.LAs implement ‘homelessness policy’ 2.LAs form coalitions with other agencies – ‘ideological’ power structures (regime) 3.‘Regime’ structure ‘local homelessness systems’ 4.Regimes cause local systems to evolve and diverge 5.Local homeless systems has outcomes Local homeless regimes? Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England
1.Do distinct local homelessness systems exist? 2.If so, what causes local homelessness systems and what determines their nature? If not, why don’t local homeless systems not exist? 3.What are the outcomes of local homelessness systems? 4.Should local homelessness systems exist? Questions Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England
Stage 1: - statistical analysis of homeless policy trends in London Stage 2: - national key informant interviews Stage 3: -5 case studies in London analysis of local strategies, policies and delivery plans local key informant interviews Research design & summary Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England
Statutory homelessness & prevention rates
Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England Statutory/prevention mix
“For those families choosing to follow a statutory route, the Council will identify suitable short term housing and then make a single offer of suitable private rented property to them, to discharge its duty.“ Key local policies: “…availability of a core of short term emergency hostel accommodation to house families whilst an offer of private rented accommodation is arranged Procurement of suitable private rented accommodation Access to Social Housing” Camden’s allocation scheme 2016: Statutory homelessness & TA = 100points Prevention (PRS) = 100points (+100 points after 6months) Approach: USA style? (prevention & rapid rehousing) Camden Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England
Housing Gateway Limited: “to improve the quality, availability and security of private rented sector accommodation for homeless households or those at risk of homelessness” Performance 2014 – 15: 72 units purchased 53 offers accepted £750,000 improvements £1.8m ‘GLA empty homes grant’ Approach: accommodating market-hybrid system? Approach: accommodating market-hybrid system Enfield Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England
Ealing: Activation? ‘Reframing First Contact’ Behavioural science / nudge estimated 70% reduction in TA Newham: Regulation? mandatory licensing of PRS Richmond: Traditional? “Prevent homelessness and provide additional opportunities through a housing options approach” Ealing, Newham & Richmond Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England
Questions? End Lost worlds of welfare: Local homelessness systems in England