Activities of APMP and its member NMIs W.G. Lee, G.B. Bahng, S. Seo, J. Lee and M. Hong
Contents APMP Membership Registered CMCs 23 rd APMP GA APMP – ILAC/IAF Joint Symposium 1 st APMP-APLAC Chairs Meeting EC/TCC and DEC Joint Meeting Other Events and Anticipated Meetings Activities of NMIs MRA example case
APMP Membership Pakistan India Bangladesh Nepal People’s Republic of China Thailand Vietnam Chinese Taipei Republic of Korea Japan Hong Kong, China Philippines Malaysia Sri Lanka Singapore Indonesia Fiji Australia New Zealand Egypt South Africa Syria Russia DPR Korea Full Members Eco’s – 22 (Metre Convention – 17) (CIPM MRA – 15) Designated Institutes 12 Associate Members – 6 Total 40 members Mongolia Jordan Kazakhstan Papua New Guinea
Registered CMCs, as of April 2008 CMC is a calibration measurement capability available to customers under normal conditions: (a). as published in the BIPM key comparison database (KCDB) of the CIPM MRA; or (b). as described in the laboratory’s scope of accreditation granted by a signatory to the ILAC Arrangement.” APMPEURAMETSIMCOOMETSADMETTotal
23 rd APMP GA, 28 th Oct ~ 2 nd Nov NMIA, Australia hosted GA with meetings of 12 TCs EC EC/TCC DEC Satellite meetings : CCQM, Gas and Bio Asia Pacific M&F Symp Time & Freq WS APMP-SIM Uncert WS 350 participants
23 rd APMP GA, 28 th Oct ~ 2 nd Nov Chairperson from Keith Jones to Kwang Hwa Chung Election of 3 EC members and 1 TC Chair New Membeships KazInMetr (Kazkhstan) JEMIC (Japan) NISIT (Papua NG) APMP Award Dr. Dong Guangqui (NIM) Young Metrologist Prize Dr. Park (KRISS) Mr. Xiaoke (NIM)
APMP EC Members Dr. Kwang Hwa Chung (KRISS, Korea) Chairperson Mr. Keith Jones (MSL/IRL, New Zealand) Immediate-Past Dr. Laurie Besley (NMIA, Australia) Advisor to MRA Dr. Vikram Kumar (NPLI, India) Chair of DEC Dr. Husein Akil (KIM-LIPI, Indonesia) Advisor to MRA Dr. Yoshio Hino (NMIJ, Japan) Advisor to MRA Dr. Yu Yadong (NIM, China) Chair of Award Committee Dr Chua Sze Wey (A-STAR, Singapore) Treasurer of APMP
APMP – ILAC/IAF Joint Symposium on Linkage between Accreditation and Metrology Global cooperation : CIPM – ILAC activities for Developing Economies Case studies of benefits to industry and trade of a national measurement system Remarks from supporting agencies
APMP – ILAC/IAF Joint Symposium Global cooperation : CIPM – ILAC activities for Developing Economies ILAC perspectives : Mike Peet, CEO SANAS CIPM perspectives: Bob Kaarls, Secretary, CIPM Database of CIPM MRA, Bruce Warrington, NMIA Traceability in auditing Quality Management System : Thomas Facklam, Chair, IAF
APMP – ILAC/IAF Joint Symposium Case studies of benefits to industry and trade of a national measurement system How a newly established NMI can support a national measurement system: Bunjob Suktat, NIMT CRMs for Thermomechanical and chemical needs: K. Deczky NRC Canada Measurement on electrical safety: P. Walsh, Australia *presented files available on
APMP – APLAC Chairs Meeting 2007/2008 APMP NMIs are interested in APLAC’s Reference Materials Producer accreditation activities Mutual interest on subjects for Developing Economies Cooperation on training issues Cooperation on awareness activities Technical committees’ cooperation In touch on Proficiency Test issues
DEC and EC/TCC Meetings in Dakah DateTimeMeeting Sun 25 Mayam/pmAPMP “Executive Committee”/ TC chairs meetings, closed Mon 26 Mayfull day"JCDCMAS" Symposium, open Mon 26 MaypmLaboratory visits Tue 27 MayamAPMP DEC meeting & planning workshop / MRA Workshop [closed meeting, RMOs and international experts] Tue 27 MaypmAPMP DEC meeting & planning workshop / MRA Workshop (as above) Wed 28 Mayfull dayMRA Workshop (as above) / Measurement in Chemistry (MiC) workshop, closed Thu 29 MayamMiC workshop (as above)
Australia, NMIA and ARPANSA NMIA (Nation Metrology Institute, Australia) Establishment of a basic NMIA nano-particle size measurement service. NMIA’s performed well in quantitative biological measurement through three international comparisons involving oligo-nucleotide solutions, DNA quantification by PCR and fluorescence measurement ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) ARPANSA maintains at its Melbourne campus, standards of exposure and absorbed dose for ionizing radiation and calibration facilities for these quantities and for activity of radon and radon progeny.
Bangladesh, BSTI(Bangla Std & Testing Inst) From April, 2007 BSTI hosted the six Regional Standing Committee Meeting on SMTQ & 2nd Regional Committee on Standards where delegates from member countries: Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Bhutan, Srilanka & Pakistan were present to facilitate the over regional activities on SMTQ. 2nd Regional Committee on Standards discussed the detailed progress on establishing Regional Standards Body (RSB). China, NIM (National Insti of Metrology) 1MN deadweight force standard machine with the measuring range of 5kN to 1MN in the force step of 5 kN has been set up. 100 kN deadweight force standard machine with the measuring range of 1kN to 100kN in the force step of 1kN will be finished by the end of this year. Uncertainty of both machines are expected to reach 2×10- 5 (k=3).
Taipei, CMS/ITRI (Center for Measurement Standards) CMS, MAI and MicroImpulse Form Strategic Alliance to Explore Telehealth Business Opportunities : CMS, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) of Russia, and MicroImpulse Corp. (MicroImpulse) of Norway announced a strategic alliance and signed a cooperation memorandum to jointly develop and promote ultra wideband (UWB) sensing technology. Hong Kong, HKSCL HKSCL has set up measurement standards and calibration facilities in the following measurement fields: direct current, low frequency, radio frequency/microwave, time and frequency, acoustics, temperature, humidity, dimension, mass, volume, density, pressure, hardness, rotational speed, torque and force.
India, NPLI Vikers hardness primary standard machine to realize the Vickers scale (as per ISO 6705) of HV1, HV2, HV3, HV5, HV10, HV30, HV50 and HV100. This machine also has the provision to realize the Rockewell superficial scales HR 15NT, HR 30NTand HR 45NT as per the International standard ISO Indonesia, KIM-LIPI KIM-LIPI is currently having a major procurement project costing up to 18 million US dollars. Some of the equipment that has arrived are primary standards for temperature (fixed point cells) and acoustics standards. The project is expected to finish by March 2008, whereupon KIM-LIPI will have significantly more advanced measurement standards and instruments
Japan, (NMIJ, NICT, CERI and JEMIC) NMIJ and BIPM jointly organized the Symposium and Workshop on Optical Frequency Comb at Tsukuba International Congress Center on 18th May The comb technology has been combined with fiber technology as in a mode-locked fiber laser, and its presence is growing rapidly in a wide variety of applications, especially in metrology. NICT developed an atomic fountain type Cesium primary frequency standard (NICT-CsF1) and confirmed its accuracy of 2x10-15 as a result of several measurements carried out in CERI has developed new standard materials for multi-components gases and solutions. Other one is for in-door pollution measure method containing acetaldehyde, toluene, o- xylene, m- xylene, p- xylene, ethylbenzene and styrene.
Korea, KRISS KRISS has been carrying out two projects in collaboration with KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) in order to help establish quality management and national standards system in war-devastated Iraq. In addition, more than 15 researchers visited Iraq for providing technical advice for the Quality Control Laboratories in Erbil on operating and maintaining precision measuring equipment donated by KOICA Malaysia, SIRIM 4 international meetings and 3 international conferences/symposiums were attended, 17 international trainings/workshops participated and 12 international/bilateral comparisons of measurement standards had been successfully conducted.
New Zealand, MSL/IRL Collaborative research between MSL and Nara Women’s University in Japan is developing a theory that predicts the accuracy of single electron tunnelling devices. These devices are likely to have application in metrology as a practical quantum current source and are a candidate for the realisation of a quantum computer. The research is timely, given the growing consensus to change the SI base unit for electrical current to a definition based on quantum electrical phenomena Parkistan, NPSL Pakistan government approved project Up Gradation / Balancing, Modernization and Refurbishment (BMR) for NPSL. The project cost is Rs million approximately US $ 7.8 million. These labs will be equipped for Mass, Length, Pressure, Vacuum, the other one will cater for Electrical Measurements, Time and Frequency.
Philippines, ITDI : attended trainings Singapore, ASTAR : developments A broadband microwave attenuation measurement system to measure the attenuation of RF devices Development of signal and pulse metrology infrastructure Development of capability for calibrating air velocity meters. TitleDurationVenueOrganizer/ Sponsor Joint Training on Measurement Standards- Pressure Metrology June 4-8, 2007NIMTNIMT / JICA Evaluation Workshop on APMP-DEC Intercomparison of Class E2 Test Weights June 5-7, 2007VMI, Vietnam VMI/PTB 2007 Nanoscale Meas. Technology ForumSept. 5-7, 2007TaiwanAPEC
In October 1999, CIPM MRA was signed In 2009, the Success Stories and Experiences of APMP members on the CIPM MRA will be proposed to present at the NCSLI 2009.
Thank you for your attention.