Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS IODC data dissemination Plan: ISRO report Presented to CGMS-44 Working Group IV
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France Indian Satellite System for weather parameters Outgoing long wave radiation (OLR), Quantitative Precipitation Est. (QPE), Sea Surface Temperature (SST), Snow cover, Snow depth, Fire, Smoke, Aerosol, Cloud Motion Vector, Upper Tropospheric Humidity (UTH), Temperature & Humidity profiles, Total Ozone, Value added products from Sounder payload… INSAT-3D Geophysical Products
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France Indian Geostationary Meteorological satellites
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France Dissemination of Meteorological information through MOSDAC
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France AWS-AGRI 14 Stations ISRO-AWS 1145 Stations IN-SITU data disseminated through MOSDAC
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France IMD-AWS 426 Stations AMS 24 Stations
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France NameOrg./CAEstDateSensors BangaloreISRO Radiosonde BHOPALISRO Sun- PhotometerDisdrometer Micro Rain Radar BintuluNA Radiosonde BOPALISRO Sun- PhotometerDisdrometer Micro Rain Radar BruneiNA Radiosonde DESALPARISRO Sun- PhotometerDisdrometer Micro Rain Radar GOAISRO Radiosonde KAKINADAISRO KaraikalISRO Radiosonde KARWARISRO KinabaluNA Radiosonde KOCHIISRO KuantanNA Radiosonde KuchingNA Radiosonde MangaloreNA Radiosonde MenadoNA Radiosonde MinicoyNA Radiosonde MUMBAIISRO PORTBLAIRNIONAAWS SepangNA Radiosonde SingaporeNA Radiosonde TAMILNADUISRO TawauNA Radiosonde TrivandrumNA RadiosondeMicro Rain Radar NameOrg./CAEstDateSensors GADANKI NARL, ISRO AWSDisdrometerMicro Rain RadarGPS SondeAutomatic Rain Gauge KAVARATT I ISRO Hyper Spectral RadiometerFluorometer Sun-PhotometerMet BuoyAWSDisdrometerMi cro Rain RadarGPS Sonde KOLKATAISRO AWSDisdrometerMicro Rain Radar IN-SITU data from CAL-VAL sites
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France Meteorological data from ISRO is available to all registered users from MOSDAC/NRSC website. Geostationary satellite data from Indian mission is available through MOSDAC website. Through MOSDAC site L1B (radiance/brightness temperature data) and L2 (retrieved products, such as OLR, UTH, Rain rate, AMV, SST, LST) data can be downloaded in HDF-5 format. INSAT-3D AMV winds are available through GTS. In-situ data mainly from AWS is also available through MOSDAC site. With the proposed launch of INSAT-3DR, INSAT-3DS and GISAT, there will be continuity of meteorological data products such as clear/cloudy radiances, OLR, rain-rate, SST, LST,AMV, FOG and cloud properties.
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France Thematic Data Visualisation & Dissemination Agriculture Forestry Desertification Wetland Snow & Glacier Coastal zone studies Marine Ecosystem Polar Science Hydrology Climate change Administrative boundary -National boundary -State; Districts; Tehsil; Village; Cadastral -Thematic boundaries Base layers -Road, Rail, River, Waterbody, Drainage, Settlements, Satellite mosaics, DEMs and more... GIS Apps (Information Systems) GIS based information systems for Urban; land & water resource planning, snow & glaciers, coastal zone management, socio-economic planning, hydrology, disaster management Salient features : Providing platform for Research & training to Academia by providing data, domain knowledge and infrastructure Satellite based geo-spatial data Archival and Dissemination Data visualisation and graphical analysis on web Spatial and Non-spatial search engine Publish Web map services and metadata of all data Geo-processing tools for analysis Mentoring development of Indigenous map server software (IGIS Server) Integrate Web Map Service from various sources including Bhuvan & NRDB
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS VEDAS : Home Page
Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-44, ISRO, June 216, Biot, France Information/functionality available on VEDAS Coastal Zone information system RISAT/IRS missions data utilization and visualization Polar Science sea-ice trend Snow and glacier information system Visualization of Mars and Moon data. Water level height using altimeter data. New and renewable energy information system Web based GIS vegetation monitoring