Population Density People concentrated into certain parts make them crowded. Crowded areas have a high population density. Other areas have relatively few people living there and these are said to be sparsely populated e.g. the Sahara Desert in north Africa. These areas are said to have a low population density.
World Population Density- Choropleth Map (darker colours = higher population densities)
Dot Distribution Map- Africa
Highlands/Rainforests Penang Kuala Lumpur Singapore
Auckland Tasman Sea Wellington Christchurch Pacific Ocean Dunedin
Less than 700mm per year 700-1700mm per year Over 1700mm per year
Factors Influencing Population Distribution and Density Active volcanoes, mountains, high plateau, low temps and pressures e.g. Himalayas Flat lowland plains e.g. N European Plain Physical Landscape
Factors Influencing Population Distribution and Density Evenly distributed rainfall, no temperature extremes, lengthy growing season Drought, high humidity, low temperatures. Short growing season Climate
Factors Influencing Population Distribution and Density Sparse deserts, dense coniferous and rainforests e.g. Amazon Grassland e.g. plains in the USA Vegetation
Factors Influencing Population Distribution and Density Deep humus filled or volcanic soils. Fertile river deposited alluvium or silt Infertile soils, leached, erosion, mountainous e.g. Tundra Soils
Factors Influencing Population Distribution and Density Unreliable or lack of rainfall, supply of clean water and technology e.g. Sahara Desert reliable- either rainfall or technology to provide reservoirs e.g. Europe Water Supply
Factors Influencing Population Distribution and Density Few natural hazards, money/medical expertise to eradicate initial hazards UK Malaria in Central Africa Disease and pests
Factors Influencing Population Distribution and Density Areas devoid of minerals or easily obtainable energy sources Large mineral deposits or energy supplies (Ruhr, N. Germany) resources
Factors Influencing Population Distribution and Density Areas difficult to construct or maintain transport systems e.g. Afghanistan Natural ports, easy to construct transport links e.g. Norway communications
Factors Influencing Population Distribution and Density Areas with less developed subsistence economies e.g. tundra, rainforests, desert fringes Intensive farming due to higher technology result in larger profit e.g. Japan economic
Factors Influencing Population Distribution and Density Funding to create new towns (Brasilia) or opening ‘pioneer’ lands- government Areas lacking in state funding where development is not encouraged political