Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi z Define the main inputs of the Expert Panel to project team of editing authors (consultant) to restructuring the Guidebok z Provide the project team of editing authors with all information and all relevant underlying material (methods/emission factors) useful to update the guidebook Objectives of the meeting
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi z The meeting was prepared: z Sending an invitation to all the people in Thessaloniki meeting z Individuating a list of industry reference people (the list was extracted from IPPC BREF documentation) z Sending a specific invitation to industry representative from the TFEIP chair z Inviting the Acting Head of the European IPPC Bureau in JRC Preparation of the meeting
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi z CONCAWE (the oil companies' European organisation for environment, health and safety) z European Aluminium Association z CEPI- Confederation of European Paper Industries z EUROFER - European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries z CEMBUREAU - representative organisation of the cement industry in Europe z Eurometaux z CPIV - Comite Permanent des Industries du Verre Européenne Avenue Louise 89 z COTANCE - Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers z CERAME-UNIE Liaison Office of the Europ. Ceramic Industry z CIAA - Confederation of Food and Drink Industries of the EEC Invited industry organizations
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi z Carlo Trozzi co-leader of the Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry z Riccardo De Lauretis co-leader of the Expert Panel on Transport z Tinus Pulles TNO Built Environment and Geosciences z Jeroen Kuenen TNO Built Environment and Geosciences z Nadine Allemand Expert Group on Techno-Economic Issues UNECE z Lourens Post CONCAWE (oil companies' Eur. org. for env. healt & safe.) z Brian Smithers CONCAWE z Ole Restad CEMBUREAU (organisation of the cement industry in Europe) z Eirik Nordheim European Aluminium Association z Fabrice RivetCPIV (European Glass Industries) z Rémi BussacEURELECTRIC (Union of the Electricity Industry) z Javier Pérez Rodríguez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid z Antonio Ferreiro Análisis Estadístico de Datos List of partecipant
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi Presentation of the Guidebook project z Tinus Pulles, project leader for the Guidebook project, presented the background and approach of the project and Jeroen Kuenen described the analyses on the emission factors as included in the present version of the Guidebook z A discussion about the needs and methodologies of the update work followed z The discussion will follow in this meeting
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi Nadine Allemand presented EGTEI work EGTEI has considered a set of reduction techniques for 50 sectors. On average there are 2 or 3 techniques per sector. This includes emission reduction efficiency, associated emission factors and concentrations of pollutants in waste gases EGTEI has also developed a methodology to estimate total annual costs of reduction techniques, as well as projections and scenarios Contribution of the Expert Group on techno- economic issues to GB project (1)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi Data: is available via the EGTEI website ( dex.htm) dex.htm can be used as Tier 2 or Tier 3 estimation methods are provided on a country specific basis are not available for all European countries Contribution of the Expert Group on techno- economic issues to GB project (2)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi Oil industry (Lourens Post) CONCAWE has published a report in 2005 with specific emission factors for the industry to bring together all emission factors available in the open literature This information is delivered to the Expert Panel and implemented in the 2006 Guidebook’s process chapters The combustion chapters still need such an update Power plant sector (Rémi Bussac) The EU power industry has established a working group to develop an emissions estimation guidance document for the industry, similar to the CONCAWE one Sectors contributions (1)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi Cement industry (Ole Restad) Restrictions for sharing data (partly confidential) occur and a ToR for co-operation needs to be agreed Co-operation could be possible on the basis of already running projects within the cement industry Glass industry (Fabrice Rivet) The current Guidebook contains a number of errors It is important to consult the industrial sector in the revision project The Guidebook should be consistent with the revision of the BREFs started in January 2007 Sectors contributions (2)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi Aluminium industry (Eirik Nordheim) Emission data (TSP, but now also PM10 and PM2.5) measurements are available are available per plant (2005 set of emission data for the EU, used for LCA studies. Comments on earlier versions of the Guidebook have been sent to EP leader Sectors contributions (3)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi Domestic sector (Carlo Trozzi) there is a suitable methodology for emission estimates in Tier 1 (previous Simpler methodology) for Tier 2 are available a suitable set of emission factors already (in previous Detailed methodology) as already pointed out in EP session in Thessaloniki there are no indication to obtain activity indicators (fuel consumptions) for use in detailed methodology a general description of Tier 3 (model) approach to evaluated emissions was reported; the request has been renewed, already indicated in Thessaloniki, to financial support the development of such a methodology Sectors contributions (3)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi Industry clearly expressed its interest in co- operating with the Guidebook project The Guidebook project team is eager to intensify the co-operation with industry It’s important to involve the organizations already invited but that have not participated and eventually to extend the list Industry representative are invited to send all the relevant documentation to EP leader, as already in the case of oil and aluminium industry) in such a way that this information can be evaluated for the GB update Conclusion (1)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry May2007, Dessau (Germany) Report from Combustion & Industry Expert Panel meeting in Rome 16 April 2007 Dessau (Germany), 16 April 2007Carlo Trozzi in analogy with oil industry contribute to the 2006 update of the Guidebook, the other industries will have involved in the comment to the chapters of the new Guidebook of their interest, also if the responsibility of the revision of the Guidebook will be on Commission supported by the Advisor Editorial Group the Guidebook project team is ready to retrieve all the relevant information on the new technologies available in the Expert Group on techno-economic documentation Conclusion (2)