UL Pilot Simulation Results Comparison Document Number: IEEE C802.16m-08_1204 Date Submitted: Source: tian qu hong yun wang wen huan ZTE Corp. Venue: IEEE Session #57,. Base Contributions: None Purpose: To be discussed and accepted by TGm Notice: This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: and. Further information is located at and.
2 Proposed simulation configuration Keep the power of one OFDMA symbol an constant K for all of the pilot structures. So there is no power fluctuation among symbols. For those pilot structures with one pilot/antenna on any OFDMA symbol in a subframe, data power keep as 1 and pilot boost A dB. For example, Intel’s 18*6 pilot structure. For those pilot structures with one pilot/antenna on some OFDMA symbols in a subframe: On the symbol with pilot, data power is 1 and pilot boost A dB; on the symbol without pilot, data power is K/number of data tones. For example, Intel’s 6*6 pilot structure. For those with more than one pilots/antenna on an OFDMA symbol : At the antenna with pilot, data power is 1 and pilot boost B dB; At the antenna without pilot, data power is K/number of data tones. That is, On the symbol with pilot, data power is 1 and pilot boost B dB at the antenna with pilot, and data power is K/number of data tones at the antenna without pilot. On the symbol without pilot, data power is K/number of data tones. For example, ZTE’s 18*6 and 6*6 pilot structures.
3 ZTE’s power allocationAntenna 1 ZTE’s power allocationAntenna 2 Symbol tone Symbol tone If keep data power as 1 and pilot boost 3dB,the power allocation for ZTE’s 6*6 tile is just showed in the right table. But when we use the power allocation scheme aforementioned in the last slide, that is, keep the total power of a symbol as constant, we get the tables in slide 4. Slide 5 and 6 give the linear power set for Intel, Mediatek, NSN and LGE’s 6×6 tiles according to the method in slide 2 where Intel’s pilot boost 3dB.
4 Symbol tone Symbol tone ZTE’s power allocationAntenna 1 ZTE’s power allocationAntenna 2
5 Mediatek’s power allocation Antenna 1 Mediatek’s power allocation Antenna 2 Symbol tone Symbol tone Symbol tone Symbol tone Intel’s power allocationAntenna 1 Intel’s power allocationAntenna 2
6 LGE’s power allocationAntenna 1 LGE’s power allocationAntenna 2 Symbol tone Symbol tone NSN’s power allocationAntenna 1 NSN’s power allocationAntenna 2 Symbol tone Symbol tone
7 Simulation Configuration for 6*6 tile simulation 5MHz system bandwidth, 512 points FFT and ITU Ped. B fading channels. Narrow band 2DMMSE channel estimation: Per RT channel estimation Channel Coding scheme: CTC MIMO scheme: 2*2 SFBC Noise limited case only. PRU size:6 subcarriers by 6 OFDMA symbols. Noise-limited, ITU PB3, 2x2 SFBC subchannelization: distributed Pilot structures used for comparison are listed in slide 16. These pilot structures all have 4 pilot tones at each antennas. Pilot and data power allocation listed in slide 3,4,5 and 6
8 Throughput comparison for 6*6 tile
9 Conclusion for 6*6 simulation When adopting the power allocation method in slide 2, there is a gain for the throughput of ZTE’s 6*6 tile over Intel’s. When not adopting the method, ZTE’s and Intel’s are very close.
10 Simulation Configuration for 18*6 simulation 5MHz system bandwidth, 512 points FFT and ITU Ped. B fading channels. Narrow band 2DMMSE channel estimation: Per RB channel estimation Channel Coding scheme: CTC MCS level: QPSK 0.25,0.375,0.5,0.625,0.75 and 16QAM 0.5,0.625,0.75, The curve is made of envelope of different MCSs. MIMO scheme: 2*2 SFBC and 2*2 STBC. Noise limited case only. PRU size:18 subcarriers by 6 OFDMA symbols. subchannelization: localized Pilot structures used listed in slide 17
11 Pilot Boosting Pilot boosting values are defined as the pilot boosting power over average non-boosted power of data tones from each single stream. Keep the power of one OFDMA symbol an constant K for all of the pilot structures. So there is no power fluctuation among symbols. for 18×6 RU : –Intel UL pilots boost 7.5dB(linear value 5.623). Data power is 1. –ZTE UL pilots boost 3.44dB(linear value 2.207). In OFDMA symbols without pilot,data power is In OFDMA symbols with pilot, data power is 1 at the antenna with pilot and at the antenna without pilot.
12 Noise-limited, ITU PB3, 2x2 SFBC
13 Noise-limited, ITU PB3, 2x2 STBC
14 Conclusions for 18*6 simulation when SNR is -10~10dB , ZTE’s pilot has 0.5~1 dB gain over Intel’s;
15 Conclusions UL 6x6:ZTE ’ s Pilot patterns shows the best performance and can be recommended for UL 6x6 pilot design. UL 18x6:FFS. Proposed power allocation method: Keep the power of one OFDMA symbol an constant K for all of the pilot structures. So there is no power fluctuation among symbols. For those pilot structures with one pilot/antenna on any OFDMA symbol in a subframe, data power keep as 1 and pilot boost A dB. For example, Intel’s 18*6 pilot structure. For those pilot structures with one pilot/antenna on some OFDMA symbols in a subframe: On the symbol with pilot, data power is 1 and pilot boost A dB; on the symbol without pilot, data power is K/number of data tones. For example, Intel’s 6*6 pilot structure. For those with more than one pilots/antenna on an OFDMA symbol : At the antenna with pilot, data power is 1 and pilot boost B dB; At the antenna without pilot, data power is K/number of data tones.
16 6*6 tile pilot structures LGE’s NSN’s Intel’s ZTE’s Mediatek’s
17 18*6 pilot structures ZTE’s Intel’s