Nationalism: Then, Now, & Future?
Unification - THEN Germany
Germany 1815 Germany had 39 states called the German Confederation (controlled by Austria)1815 Germany had 39 states called the German Confederation (controlled by Austria) Prussia leads unificationPrussia leads unification –German population –Nationalistic movement –Stronger Army –King (Kaiser) Wilhelm I appoints Bismarck to orchestrate unification
Germany Bismarck practiced “realpolitik” - Any action is acceptable if it serves the state’s best interestBismarck practiced “realpolitik” - Any action is acceptable if it serves the state’s best interest Bismarck hoped to use military successes to unite GermanyBismarck hoped to use military successes to unite Germany 3 Wars for Unification:3 Wars for Unification: –Danish War –Austro-Prussian War –Franco-Prussian War
Germany Danish War:Danish War: Prussia allies with Austria to go to war against Denmark for border provinces, Schleswig & HolsteinPrussia allies with Austria to go to war against Denmark for border provinces, Schleswig & Holstein After victory, Prussia governed Schleswig, while Austria controlled HolsteinAfter victory, Prussia governed Schleswig, while Austria controlled Holstein Sets up a conflict…Sets up a conflict…
Germany Austro-Prussian War (7 Weeks War):Austro-Prussian War (7 Weeks War): Bismarck purposely stirred up border conflicts with Austria over Schleswig and HolsteinBismarck purposely stirred up border conflicts with Austria over Schleswig and Holstein Provoked Austria into declaring war on PrussiaProvoked Austria into declaring war on Prussia Prussia easily defeats Austria (help from Italy) and loses land to themPrussia easily defeats Austria (help from Italy) and loses land to them Prussia took control of northern GermanyPrussia took control of northern Germany
Germany Franco-Prussian War:Franco-Prussian War: Southern Germany was Catholic and resisted unification at firstSouthern Germany was Catholic and resisted unification at first Bismarck thought if they had a threat (like France) they would joinBismarck thought if they had a threat (like France) they would join Bismarck created “incident” making it look like French ambassador insulted Prussian king – Prussia declares war on France!Bismarck created “incident” making it look like French ambassador insulted Prussian king – Prussia declares war on France!
Germany Franco-Prussian War:Franco-Prussian War: Prussia wins! Southern Germany catches nationalistic fever and accepted Prussian leadership!Prussia wins! Southern Germany catches nationalistic fever and accepted Prussian leadership!
Unification - THEN Italy
Existence of multiple Italian states & the presence of Austria hindered Italian unification Sardinia: Largest & most powerful Italian State
Mazzini “The Soul”Mazzini “The Soul” Garibaldi “The Sword”Garibaldi “The Sword” Cavour “The Brain”Cavour “The Brain” Leaders of Unification
Risorgimento:Risorgimento: Movement of IT NationalismMovement of IT Nationalism Inspiration for unification; lays the groundworkInspiration for unification; lays the groundwork Mazzini: The Soul
Bold & visionary soldierBold & visionary soldier Led a small army of Italian nationalists known as Red ShirtsLed a small army of Italian nationalists known as Red Shirts Garibaldi: The Sword Garibaldi: The Sword
Prime minister of Sardinia under King Victor Emmanuel III (the only native Italian king)Prime minister of Sardinia under King Victor Emmanuel III (the only native Italian king) Built Sardinia’s economy & planned to unify IT under his kingBuilt Sardinia’s economy & planned to unify IT under his king Cavour: The Brain
Allied with French to drive Austria out of northern Italian provincesAllied with French to drive Austria out of northern Italian provinces Got all of N. Italy except VenetiaGot all of N. Italy except Venetia Step One:
Meanwhile, other Italian states revolted against their rulersMeanwhile, other Italian states revolted against their rulers Voted to join with SardiniaVoted to join with Sardinia Northern Italy was now united under SardiniaNorthern Italy was now united under Sardinia Step 2: Join with Sardinia
Garibaldi (paid by Cavour) liberated the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (Southern Italy) from foreign rule; marched north through Italy with his 1000 Red ShirtsGaribaldi (paid by Cavour) liberated the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (Southern Italy) from foreign rule; marched north through Italy with his 1000 Red Shirts Step 3: Liberation of Sicilies
Step 4: Unite N. & S. Italy Cavour convinced Garibaldi to give Sicilies to a United Italy under King Victor Emanuel IICavour convinced Garibaldi to give Sicilies to a United Italy under King Victor Emanuel II United northern & southern ItalyUnited northern & southern Italy
Garibaldi Victor Emmanuel II
What’s left?? Venetia & Papal State of Rome
Step 5: Add Venetia Venetia was added to Italy in 1866 when Prussia defeated AustriaVenetia was added to Italy in 1866 when Prussia defeated Austria
Step 6: Add Rome Rome was added in 1870 when France withdrew troops from Rome due to the Franco- Prussian WarRome was added in 1870 when France withdrew troops from Rome due to the Franco- Prussian War
Once Rome was added to Italy, it was made the capital of the Nation- State
But the Pope Objects… The Pope refused to recognize the new Italian governmentThe Pope refused to recognize the new Italian government Kept Vatican City separateKept Vatican City separate
Unification - NOW May 22, North and South Yemen merged to form a unified YemenMay 22, North and South Yemen merged to form a unified Yemen October 3, East Germany and West Germany merged to form a unified Germany (again!) after the fall of the Iron CurtainOctober 3, East Germany and West Germany merged to form a unified Germany (again!) after the fall of the Iron Curtain
Unification – FUTURE? Will South Korea ever reunite with North Korea?Will South Korea ever reunite with North Korea?
Unification – FUTURE? Will Northern Ireland ever reunite with the Republic of Ireland?Will Northern Ireland ever reunite with the Republic of Ireland?
Unification – FUTURE? Will Puerto Rico unite with the United States of America as the 51 st state…or separate as an independent country?Will Puerto Rico unite with the United States of America as the 51 st state…or separate as an independent country?
Separation - THEN Austrian Empire
Separation - THEN Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Poles, Slovaks, Serbs, etc.Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Poles, Slovaks, Serbs, etc. Lost Northern Land to Prussia (smaller/weaker)Lost Northern Land to Prussia (smaller/weaker) Pressure from Hungarians causes split, becomes Austria-HungaryPressure from Hungarians causes split, becomes Austria-Hungary After WWI, breaks into several nation-statesAfter WWI, breaks into several nation-states
Separation - THEN Russian Empire
Separation - THEN Ruled by Romanov Dynasty – Czars!Ruled by Romanov Dynasty – Czars! Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, etc.Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, etc. Each had own cultureEach had own culture Russification – forced Russian culture on all ethnic groups BUT nationalism growsRussification – forced Russian culture on all ethnic groups BUT nationalism grows WWI & Communist Revolution lead to break up of Empire in 1917WWI & Communist Revolution lead to break up of Empire in 1917
Separation - THEN Ottoman Empire
Separation - THEN Ruled by TurksRuled by Turks Controlled Greeks, Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians and ArmeniansControlled Greeks, Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians and Armenians Greeks win independence in 1821Greeks win independence in 1821 Under pressure from British/French, granted equal citizenship to all people under their ruleUnder pressure from British/French, granted equal citizenship to all people under their rule BUT this angered conservative TurksBUT this angered conservative Turks Armenian Nationalist Movement grows, Turks respond by massacring & deporting thousands from & 1915Armenian Nationalist Movement grows, Turks respond by massacring & deporting thousands from & 1915massacring & deportingmassacring & deporting
Separation - NOW Fifteen new countries became independent with the dissolution of the USSR in 1991Fifteen new countries became independent with the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 Yugoslavia dissolved in the early 1990s into five independent countriesYugoslavia dissolved in the early 1990s into five independent countries January 1, The Czech Republic and Slovakia became independent nations when Czechoslovakia dissolvedJanuary 1, The Czech Republic and Slovakia became independent nations when Czechoslovakia dissolved May 25, Eritrea was a part of Ethiopia but seceded and gained independenceMay 25, Eritrea was a part of Ethiopia but seceded and gained independence
Separation - NOW June 3, Montenegro was part of Serbia and Montenegro (also known as Yugoslavia) but gained independence after a referendumJune 3, Montenegro was part of Serbia and Montenegro (also known as Yugoslavia) but gained independence after a referendum June 5, Serbia became its own entity after Montenegro splitJune 5, Serbia became its own entity after Montenegro split February 17, Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from SerbiaFebruary 17, Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia July 9, South Sudan peacefully seceded from SudanJuly 9, South Sudan peacefully seceded from Sudan
Separation – FUTURE? Will Quebec separate from Canada?Will Quebec separate from Canada?
Separation – FUTURE? Will Chechnya separate from Russia?Will Chechnya separate from Russia?
Separation – FUTURE? Will Scotland separate from the UK?Will Scotland separate from the UK?