WHAT IS E-WASTE? Electronic waste or e-waste is any broken or unwanted electrical or electronic appliance after their useful service life. It is a point of concern considering that many components of such equipments are considered toxic and are not bio- degradable
SOURCES OF E-WASTE IT and Telecom equipments Large household appliances Toys, leisure and sports equipments Medical devices Electrical and Electronic equipments Monitoring Devices
IS IT A HAZARDOUS WASTE? E-Waste contains several different substances and chemicals, many of which are toxic (Pb,Cd,Hg,Be) and are likely to create adverse effect on environment and health. EXAMPLE When brominated flame retardant plastic or cadmium containing plastics are landfilled, both polybrominated dlphenyl ethers (PBDE) and cadmium may leach into the soil and groundwater. It has been found that significant amounts of lead ion are dissolved from broken lead containing glass, such as the cone glass of cathode ray tubes, gets mixed with acid waters and are a common occurrence in landfills.
DO YOU KNOW…….. E-Toxic components in computers contains heavy metals like Pb and Cd and pvc coated copper cables and palstics computer casings that releases highly toxic dioxns and furans… Cellular phones contains lead cadmium mercury and arsenic. It has been estimated that 500 millions phones ready for disposal and still today cellphones e-waste has not be taken for diposal
APPROXIMATE CALCULATION Average PC of approx kg wt. contains 7.24 kg- Plastics 1.98 kg- Lead 0.693g- Mercury g- Arsenic 2.961g - Cadmium 1.98g - Chromium 9.92g - Barium 4.94g - Beryllium Two million Obsolete PCs would mean: 14,427,000 kg 3,962,700 kg 1,386 kg 5,922 kg 3,969 kg 19,845 kg 9,891 kg
EFFECT ON ENVIR0NMENT Pollution of ground water Air pollution Acidification of soils E-Waste accounts for 40 percent of thelead and 75 percent of the heavy metalsfound in landfills
EFFECTS ON HUMAN HEALTH CONSTITUENTS Lead(Pb) Cadmium(Cd) HEALTH EFFECTS Damage to central and peripheral nervous system. Affects brain development of children Toxic irreversible effects on human health. Accumulates in kidney and liver. Causes neural damage. Teratogenic.
PVC Brominated flame retardants (BFR) Barium (Ba) Reproductive and developmental problems. Immune system damage. Interfere with regulatory hormones. Disrupts endocrine system function. Muscle weakness; Damage to heart, liver and spleen.
THE TOTAL E-WASTE IN INDIA HAS BEEN ESTIMATED TO BE 1,46,180 tonnes per year Is there any solution………….?
RECYCLING OF E-WASTE TREATMENT OPTION OF E-WASTE:- Land Filling Incineration TECHNOLOGY CURRENTLY USED:- Decontamination Dismantling Pulverization/hammering Shredding
WHAT WE PROPOSE……. PHYTOREMEDIATION:- Phytoremediation is a bioremediation process that uses various types of plants to remove, transfer, stabilize, and/or destroy contaminants in the soil and groundwater. Many plants such as mustard plants, alpine pennycress, and pigweed have proven to be successful at hyperaccumulating contaminants at toxic-waste sites. Phytoremediation is considered a clean, cost-effective and non-environmentally disruptive technology, as opposed to mechanical cleanup methods such as soil excavation or pumping polluted groundwater. Over the past 20 years, this technology has become increasingly popular and has been employed at sites with soils contaminated with lead, uranium, and arsenic. However, one major disadvantage of phytoremediation is that it requires a long-term commitment, as the process is dependent on plant growth, tolerance to toxicity, and bioaccumulation capacity.
ADVANTAGES:- The cost of the phytoremediation is lower than that of traditional processes. The plants can be easily monitored The possibility of the recovery and re-use of valuable metals (by companies specializing in “phyto mining”) It is potentially the least harmful method because it uses naturally occurring organisms and preserves the environment in a more natural state.
Environmentally sound E-waste treatment technologies (EST) 1. 1stlevel treatment 2. 2ndlevel treatment 3. 3rdlevel treatment There are three units operations at first level of e-waste treatment. 1.Decontamination 2. Dismantling 3.Segregation - Components are segregated into hazardous and nonhazardous components of e-waste fractions to be sent for 3rd level treatment. Output: 1. Segregated hazardous wastes like CFC, Hg Switches, batteries and capacitors
2 RD LEVEL TREATMENT There are three unit operations at second level of E-waste treatment. 1. Hammering 2. Shredding 3. Special treatment Processes comprising of (i) CRT treatment consisting of separation of funnels and screen glass. (ii) Electromagnetic separation (iii) Eddy current separation (iv) Density separation using water Output: 1. Ferrous metal scrap (secondary raw material) 2. Non ferrous metal scrap, mainly copper and aluminum 3. Precious metal scrap mainly silver, gold, & palladium 4. Plastic consisting of sorted plastic, plastic with flame retardants and plastic mixture
3 RD LEVEL TREATMENT The hazardous material separated during the 1st level treatment and the output from the 2ndlevel is subjected to the 3rd level treatment. This facility need not always exists with the first two treatment locations, but may be located at different places. The treatment includes recycle /recovery of valuable materials using processes like smelting, refining etc.
REFRENCES:- _of_E-waste_and_Practices_of_Recycling