Year 3 Mrs Roleston and Miss Summerfield Our aims, expectations and curriculum coverage for the year ahead.
Our current topic is… Italy
Italy - Skills Areas of the curriculum Developing the traits of a Historian by looking at the Romans. Geographical skills by looking at Italy’s key features and landmarks, including a focus on volcanoes. Letter writing and story writing. In Maths, a focus on place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, money and problem solving – linked to topic where applicable. In Science we have a topic on rocks and fossils.
Enterprise Italian Restaurant- Monday 19 th October Opportunity to show their learning and understanding during the term’s topic. The chance to practise recipe and cooking skills. Organised and run by the children. Children to be in specific roles.
Enterprise - Skills Italian Restaurant Collaboration and team building skills- children will be required to work together to produce everything we need. Children will develop their independence, taking ownership of their project. A sense of pride in sharing their achievements with their families.
Our personal development goals… Showing respect for property and those around us by being a responsible member of the school community. Establishing outstanding learning behaviours. Demonstrating a high level of behaviour at all times.
New Curriculum
End of year Reading expectations Word reading should be secure by the end of Year 3.
Reading Children are expected to read at home daily. Any books read should be logged in the child’s Reading Record. It is still important to read to your child as often as possible because this helps children to hear a range of different text types, to hear correct expression and how to take note of punctuation. We will always have a class book on the go which the children will hear daily. The children will also read in small groups which is led by the teacher.
Supporting your child with reading Pause, Prompt, Praise! Pause to help them work out new words. Prompt by questioning throughout. Praise for trying, whether they are right or wrong!
Reluctant Readers Choose a quiet time Make reading enjoyable Be positive Visit the Library Regular practice Communicate Variety is important
Reading – What else can your child read? Magazines and comics Travel brochures Instructions or recipes What’s on television tonight Information books Manuals Newspapers Poems Taped/CD/Recorded stories Sports Reports Shopping lists
Confident Readers Due to challenging texts, more confident readers are still expected to read daily, although this can be a combination of reading silently for pleasure and aloud with expression. How can you help? Helping children to develop the higher level reading skills such as overarching themes, inference and prediction. For more ideas, please refer to the Reading Help sheet.
End of year Writing expectations
Every child’s a writer! Let your child’s interests be the stimulus for the writing. Perhaps: Diaries or journals Shopping list Letters to relatives (with hopefully a reply!) Reviews about football and the scores Notes around the house - post it notes! s PLENTY OF PRAISE AND ENCOURAGEMENT!
End of year Maths expectations
Maths - Addition
Maths - Subtraction
Maths - Multiplication
Maths - Division
Carry On Our Learning or COOL tasks COOL tasks are opportunities for children to carry on their learning outside of the classroom. It will be usually be sent out on a Wednesday to be back in on the following Monday. It is important that children: Read every night to an adult. Practise times tables every night (currently 3x tables). Practise spellings every night and to know them both as individual words and when using them in a sentence Weekly Maths and English task. Write neatly in pencil, presenting COOL tasks in the same way that we would expect work to be presented in school.
Thank you for coming to support your child.