Everything you need to know – and maybe more besides!
Welcome to Year 5 Miss Fitzpatrick Mrs MacDonald Mr Bostock Miss Stockton Mr Fearnehough
What is Year 5? Moving from Lower to Upper Juniors Growing a bit older Being a little more responsible Looking ahead Beginning to make new plans Being more aware of ourselves Understanding more about how our words and actions affect others Learning to Learn Managing relationships Victorians! Ancient Greeks! India! Earth, Sun and Moon! Life Cycles! Bikeability!
Life in Year 5
Year 5 children are grouped for Maths: Mrs MacDonald and Mr Pearson take children who would benefit from more opportunities to go over their Maths learning and need a little more support or time to grasp the new work; Miss Fitzpatrick and Mr Parr take children who cope with working more independently on new learning and like to be challenged; All children work to their personal learning goals; no child is held back by the group they are in. Planning and evaluations are done together, based on the National Curriculum Year 5 Maths expectations. Life in Year 5
Children know where resources are kept; they are encouraged to get what they need to help them work effectively. If they are stuck, they decide what or who will help them continue. We encourage Year 5 Pupils to be independent and resourceful. They feel safe because they know the routine for each day. They know what makes a good learner and what qualities they need to bring to lessons. Children make their own classroom rules and take responsibility for their own behaviour.
HOMEWORK Help and support is essential: please check neatness, instructions have been read first and are followed etc. Your child should be able to explain what is to be done and if it has been done well. Encourage independence. Check when it is to be handed in... Reading/Research is usually given a few days before it is needed.
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Spelling Monday Maths Grammar Rising Stars My Maths100 Club/50 Club/Tables Sent home Reading 360 Comprehensio n Y4, Y5 & Y6 Verbal Comprehensio n Reading Y3 20 mins 15 minutes during the week to review/revise work done in Mental Maths 10 minutes personal reading, 5x per week, on a wide range of reading for enjoyment and information (not texts or books set from school) Monday Maths sent home weekly to share with parents Home Learning Timetable KS2
Home Learning Expectations
LITERACY SKILLS: READING We use reading skills in almost everything we do. We develop our children’s skills in weekly Guided Reading and in the Ginn 360 Reading Scheme. Children read their set Ginn 360 pages at home and complete an assigned comprehension task. Let them see you reading for pleasure too.
A great start already- Thank you!