OVERVIEW ä Keys to a successful briefing ä Planning ä Organizing ä Implementing
PLANNING - Characteristics ä ABCs ä Accuracy ä Brevity ä Clarity “A man’s judgment is no better than his information.”
PLANNING - Purpose Why are you briefing ? Inform Inform Advocate Advocate
PLANNING - Methods ä Memorized ä Manuscript ä Impromptu ä Extemporaneous
PLANNING - Who ä Analyze your audience ä Background ä Attitude ä Needs
PLANNING - Research ä Answer potential questions ä Get the facts ä Use your experience ä Interview experts ä Printed materials
ORGANIZATION ä Informational Patterns ä Topical ä Chronological ä Spatial
ORGANIZATION - Format ä Introduction Greeting, Intro self/subj, Overview Greeting, Intro self/subj, Overview ä Body Main Points Main Points ä Conclusion Summary, Closure Summary, Closure
ORGANIZATION - Intro ä Greeting ä Good morning/afternoon Ma’am/Sir ä Intro self/subject ä I’m…and I’m going to brief you on ä Overview ä State main points; preview what’s to come
ORGANIZATION - Body ä Main points ä Present support material ä Give facts ä Incorporate sources ä Balance between main points
ORGANIZATION ä Transitions ä Help flow from one idea to next ä Signal audience ä Effective transitions
ORGANIZATION-Conclusion ä Summary ä State topic and main points ä Do not rebrief or add new information!!! ä Closure ä End by stating: “This concludes my briefing. Are there any questions?”
ORGANIZATION - Recap ä Introduction TELL ‘EM what you’re going to tell them TELL ‘EM what you’re going to tell them ä Body TELL ‘EM TELL ‘EM ä Conclusion TELL ‘EM what you told them TELL ‘EM what you told them
INTERIM SUMMARY ä Planning the briefing ä Organizing the briefing
IMPLEMENTATION ä Visual aids ä Delivery ä Practice
VISUAL AIDS - Purpose ä Serve as notes ä Clarify meaning ä Enhance retention ä Keep audience focused focused ä Provide direction
VISUAL AIDS - Types äViewgraphs äTurn charts äPosters äObjects äPictures äPowerPoint
VISUAL AIDS - Tips ä Relevance – do the pictures support your topic? ä Simple and clear – outline topic ä Unobstructed – objects/pictures ä Large enough to be seen (PowerPoint no less than 24 pitch)
VISUAL AIDS - Hints ä Know standard for command/ organization ä Maintain eye contact ä Don’t talk to the visual aid or read it visual aid or read it ä Know the equipment
DELIVERY TECHNIQUES ä Appearance ä Voice ä Eye contact ä Movement ä Gestures ä Military bearing ä Notes
APPEARANCE ä Sets tone for briefing Completely under your control
VOICE ä Three Cs ä Clearly ä Correctly Conversationally ä Variety (rate, pitch, volume) creates interest, motivates interest, motivates
EYE CONTACT ä Credibility ä Shows interest ä Receive non-verbal feedback feedback ä Enhances delivery
MOVEMENT ä Military briefings are usually given from behind the lectern ä Limited movement ä Reasonable and purposeful ä Make a point ä Add emphasis ä Conclude
GESTURES ä Purposeful ä Natural ä Beware of poor timing ä “Dead pan” facial expression
MILITARY BEARING ä Never lose it ä Don’t apologize ä Keep going
NOTES ä Number your cards ä Keep information brief ä Timing cues ä Watch gestures with cards...
PRACTICE Stage Fright Stage Fright ä Be Prepared ä Be Enthusiastic
PRACTICE - Strategies ä Where you will brief ä With an audience ä Don’t rush the beginning ä Know the intro “cold” ä Ask for feedback ä Eliminate verbal pauses
SUMMARY ä Planning ä Organization ä Implementation
Your enthusiasm will be infectious, stimulating and attractive to others. They will love you for it. They will go for you and with you. - Norman Vincent Peale