English Sections: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing / Writing and Language
You will take the PSAT here at Assumption on Testing Day (Wednesday, October 14) Everyday in class we will focus on one section of the PSAT that deals with Critical Reading or Writing Skills Be sure to bring your booklet to class everyday!
In addition to our work in class, visit this website to take practice tests, review sample problems and receive great tips at-nmsqt-psat-10 at-nmsqt-psat-10 at-nmsqt-psat-10/practice at-nmsqt-psat-10/practice
This test includes a series of passages that you must read and answer questions about Questions will ask about central ideas, themes, point of view, text structure and organization Some passages may include charts and graphs
Use the sample passages and questions in your test booklet Remember to read the questions first, read the entire passage at least once, “mark up” the passage by underlining key sentences, writing notes in the margin and starring certain ideas Do not “zone out” during this test! Watch your time carefully…
Test includes a series of passages and puts you in the role of someone revising that passage You will revise based on idea development, organization, effective language and word choice Some questions will also focus on grammar, usage and punctuation
We will use the practice problems in your PSAT Booklet to review these types of questions Remember to pay attention to the context of the sentence that you are revising Look at the sentences before and after the highlighted section before you make a revision Also, go to nmsqt-psat-10/practice nmsqt-psat-10/practice for further practice and sample questions
Make sure to go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep! You want to be at your sharpest when you take the test. Eat a filling breakfast on Wednesday morning (protein, whole-grain cereal, fruit) Make sure that you have a Number 2 pencil and a calculator with fresh batteries Check your planner so you know the room number where you should report
Listen carefully to the proctor’s instructions Take your time on each section…but keep an eye on the clock. Carefully darken in each oval and if you have extra time at the end of a section, go back and check your answers Should you guess? There is no penalty for guessing on the PSAT. If you can determine that one or more answers are definitely wrong, then you should guess from the remaining choices.