Essential Question: How can I make my digital work more organized? Learning Target: I can create a system to organize information and my work. Do Now: Think about how your binder is organized? What ways is it organized Get out your planner and write 1 of the success criteria for today Learning activities: 1.Login to home folder 2.Creating folders to store information 3.Learning how to rename folders 4.Creating folders inside of other folders 5.Creating my own system for organization Closure: Do I feel I have a way to keep information/work organized? Success criteria: 1.Know how to create and rename folders 2.All work is located inside of a folder with a name that has meaning for me 3.I can get the information I need from my folders
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skillsGrading criteria = points Created folders with a system of organization 1 = 4 Put all files into folders2 = 6 Created a schedules folder3 = 8 Put the September calendar and bell schedules into the schedules folder 4 = 10 Rubric for Folder Organization