{ The Protestant Reformation Ch. 15.3
Indulgences Sects Predestination Theocracy Reformation Martin Luther Henry VIII John Calvin Huguenots Key Terms/People
Read pp Then complete the 15.3 Vocabulary Reading from Text
The Catholic Church becomes split Claims were made against the Church Lost sight of mission Dominating and Controlling Religious Controversy
The Church was seemingly more interested in wealth/income than its congregants and their souls Popes acted more like political leaders as opposed to spiritual leaders Northern humanists then sought to instill personal faith and spirituality into lives instead Causes
First break with the Catholic Church took place in Germany Germany was not unified/Consisted of 300 independent states Abuses from the Church could not be prevented Germany
Pope Leo X sought to rebuild St. Peter’s Basilica Sent Johann Tetzel to raise funds in the northern German states Tetzel asked people to buy indulgences: pardon from punishment for sin Initially indulgences were to be an incentive for pious deeds Instead the Church was selling them for money. Became widespread in the German States Outrage ! Beginning
luther-sparks-a-revolution#martin- luther-sparks-a-revolution luther-sparks-a-revolution#martin- luther-sparks-a-revolution luther-sparks-a-revolution#martin- luther-sparks-a-revolution Criticized the Church’s method for overcoming sin Taught instead that ceremonies and good deeds made no difference in saving a sinner. Must have a faith in God God’s grace brought salvation “Justification by grace through faith” Martin Luther
Statements about indulgences on a church door Indulgences would not provide salvation, but would rather send you to hell Church leaders denounced him Indulgences Sermon by Tetzel 95 Theses
Read the document independently and circle unfamiliar words as well as claims Teach read document aloud Rate the claims on a scale of 1-3; explain in the margins Create three arguments/questions for Tetzel Predict Tetzel’s response to your questions Write a thesis statement that reflects Tetzel’s view of salvation Indulgence Sermon by Tetzel
1520 Luther openly disagreed with many church doctrines Bible was the sole religious authority “a priesthood of all believers.” Utilized the printing press to spread ideas Later Luther was excommunicated from the Church. Translated Bible into German; whereby all literate Christians could now read it for themselves Justification by Faith/95 Theses Break with the Church
Read the document and highlight any claims made by the author and circle unfamiliar words Teacher will read aloud the document Share your claims with a partner and then assess the validity of each claim by rating them 1-3; explain in the margins Share and discuss as a class Answer with partner the questions at the end/Discuss Write a thesis conveying Luther’s viewpoint of salvation. Justification by Faith Close Reading
Read the document with a partner and circle unfamiliar words Answer questions at end Rate the validity of Luther’s claims made against the Church in the 95 Theses. 95 Theses
"Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason -I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other -my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen.“ Martin Luther Letter to Pope Leo X Read independently, teacher read aloud, answer questions
Compare and Contrast Compare and Contrast Luther’s doctrine with that of Tetzel’s doctrine. Three Paragraphs 1. Introduction 2. Luther’s Doctrine 3. Tetzel’s Doctrine 4. List similarities and differences Conclusion Form your own opinion: Then assess the validity of Luther and Tetzel’s doctrine in two paragraphs. Use text from the documents to support your answer.
Charles V sought to stop the spread of Protestantism In 1546 he sent his armies against the Protestant princes in Germany 1555: Peace of Augsburg: each German ruler had the right to choose the religion for his state Spread of Protestantism
Henry VIII caused the break between England and the Roman Catholic Church Political move; not religious based Henry wanted to divorce his wife, Catherine of Aragon. Needed a son to continue his reign Pope Clement VII refused to meet Henry’s demand for divorce Created Church of England, with the king as its head (Anglican Church) Introduced Protestant Reformation in England luther-sparks-a-revolution luther-sparks-a-revolution luther-sparks-a-revolutionEngland
John Calvin Relied on faith and the Bible Predestination: at the beginning of time God had decided who would be saved. Those who were predestined were called the “elect” Placed emphasis on discipline and moral standards Became official religion in Geneva Theocracy: government ruled by religious leaders who claimed God’s authority. origins-of-calvinism origins-of-calvinism origins-of-calvinismCalvinism/Switzerland
Read the document independently Teacher read aloud Answer questions with partner/discuss John Calvin and Pre-destination
No card playing, dancing, profane language, showy dress Breaking laws resulted in harsh punishments Provided its followers with a sense of purpose City on a hill Rules of the Faith
Many high-ranking nobles converted to Calvinism Catholic French monarchs considered the Huguenots a threat to national unity 1562 bloody civil wars Edict of Nantes: gave them freedom and some political rights Also existed in Poland and Hungary, Scotland, and German states. Later would play vital role in England and North American colonies Huguenots/France
The Renaissance was a time of religious reform. Describe the causes of this reform, its key leaders and geographic location, and the new religions that developed as a result as well as its impact. Introduction Topic 1: Corruption of the Catholic Church Topic 2: Martin Luther and the 95 Theses (Germany) Topic 3: Henry VIII (England) Topic 4: John Calvin and Pre-destination (Switzerland/France) Topic 5: Evaluate how effective the Protestant Reformation was at removing the power of the Catholic Church and the pope, as well as spreading new thoughts and ideas regarding religion Conclusion Free Response Question