Headline, max. 2 lines, font size 60 Pkt. (Experimental) Results A scientific poster is nothing without convincing (experimental) data. Be quantitative, focused and don’t get lost in too many details. You don’t have to put everything on the poster, in most cases you also will prepare a paper for the proceedings. There you may explain in detail. On the poster you only need the key facts to start a 5 minutes discussion. L Conclusions Please summarize the basic achievements, indicate further options and the future impact of this work …. This is addressing the need of those people not having the time to look to all 200 posters at a large scientific conference within 2 hours! L Acknowledgements Don’t forget the people supporting you and e.g. funding your salary … “We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg (contract number xxxx).” L References [1]Reference 1 [2]Reference 2 [3]Reference 3 Summary (Arial, 48 Pkt., bold, left) Please present the highlights of the poster in a very compact form using the following text styles: Font: Arial Font Size: 36 Pkt Font color: black justified to the left (no left-plus-right justification) Line spacing: 1,0 Text spacing from left border: 1,0 cm You can enlarge the size of the gray boxes and adapt it to your needs easily by clicking on the white line below and moving it vertically. Within the text box use two blank lines as spacing between the chapters. Introduction (or Motivation) Please present here the motivation for your work. Stay focused, don’t be excessive! Use the same text styles as in the summary. For listing several arguments, use the following bullets: Argument 1 (=level 2) Argument 2 … If integrating figures, do it like depicted below and use captions as demonstrated below. L Design (Fabrication, etc.) People being very keen on correct adjustment of the white lines may type a letter like “L” in the second one of the blank lines and move the white line downwards until the letter is no longer visible. Use the zoom “100 %” and don’t forget to remove those letters before printing the poster. Figure x (28 Pkt, bold): Look how lovely they can be! *Laboratory for Micro-Optics, Department of Microsystems Engineering - IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Germany ** Laboratory for MEMS Applications, Department of Microsystems Engineering - IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Germany *** Laboratory of Partner 3 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (ABC), New York, USA font size: 32 Pkt A. Author *, B. Author * *, C. Author * * *, font size 40 Pkt, justified to the right Key Facts of the Template for the IMTEK-Poster Layout: Use the original IMTEK-Logo (height: 7,0 cm) Put the logos of cooperation partners at the bottom of this page next to the University logo Light grey background (R224, G224, B224) Headline justified to the right Width of the white borders: 3,8 cm Width of white line separating the boxes: 60 Pkt … Please sent all suggestions for improvements to: Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle