S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 anémone ανεμώνη anemone Preliminary Development plan A ntares NEMO NE stor CATANIA 12 of March 2008
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 Presentation Plan I.Introduction: General remarks Purpose of our study Perimeter II.Technical requirements External environment Functional analysis III.Technical Organization IV.Concept description V.Development approach VI.Current development Simulation Design and prototype Tests
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 I- General remarks This document is a part of ANEMONE development plan and a development status But Every thing can be modified in function of: New Collaboration KM3 Convergence needs Technical impossibilities or opportunities Design to cost balance
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 I- Purpose of study R&D study to increase crew safety and decrease cost of ANTARES installation (Cf. J. Roux presentation at AMSTERDAM meeting) Deliveries: All documents needed for final study of final line Prototype can be developed for concept validation
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 I- Perimeter (1/2) Defined by: Mechanical structure supporting PM and electronic containers; Inter-storey cables management; PM and electronics containers ; Tools and procedures for line installation.
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 I- Perimeter (2/2) Currently not included : Hydro. comportment during line life; ROV connection, Structure life and material choice, Cables and connectors; Industrialization and integration. Electronic, Acquisition and transmission, Instrumentation (PM, …), Calibration, Science requirement … Collaboration needed to include some of these subjects KM3net WP output ANEMONE Constraints Strong interaction needed
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 II- External Environment Sea Cables Compact Structure Truck Boat Sea bed FP1 FC1 PM Crew FC2 FC3 FC4 FC5 FC6 FC7 Installation Phase:
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 II- Functional Analysis (1/3) FP1: Position PM in water 20 stages distant of 30m; 6PM storey; No requirement for intra storey PM distance; Horizontal PM orientation: 30° to 45°; Vertical PM Orientation : equal repartition. FC1: Deploy line with bad weather condition Weather condition : kts; Transfer duration <30’; Depth < 4000m. FC2: Deploy several line per operation 5 structures on Castor : line surface <10m2 on boat; Height<5m; Adapted for a gantry crane < 5m.
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 II-Functional Analysis (2/3) FC3: Unfold line from sea bed External release order; Depth<4000m; No intervention after release order; Folded line recovery if requested. FC4: Group two PM in the same container ANTARES PM type Depth : 2500m 4000m Cost: twice less than ANTARES solution (~2500€). FC5: Manage different kind of cables Duration of cable arrangement <5’; 2 cables versions: ANTARES cable; 3 data cables ( 10) with external mechanical cable ( 10). 2 configurations: 30m between storey; Continuous cable (500m) with break out.
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 II- Functional Analysis (3/3) FC6: Reduce sea operation human risk Minimize human intervention; Classical crew operation Only authorized staff FC7: Transport a complete line on standard truck height<3m Length<2,5m
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 III- Technical organization Tower structure Installation system Sea operation Cables arrangement cables management câbles Storey Container Bell Trigger system ConceptsQuality Hydro DW Tests coiling Projet Unfolding test ANEMONE
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 IV- Concept description (1/4) Compact line Fulfill Fc2, Fc6, Fc7 FC2: Deploy several line per sea operation FC7: Transport line by truck 2,5m 3m FC6: Reduce human risk (reduce handling)
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 IV- Concept description (2/4) Deployment Bell Tool for Fc1 FC1: deploy line with bad weather Different positions of line during free falling deployment Under crane deployment OR bell DWt Compact line buoy Release system Sea bed <15kts<30kts
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 IV- Concept description (3/4) Unfolded line: FP1 Not the right scale: ~30m between Each storey FP1: Position PM in water Risky development : Unfolding (FC3) and cable management (FC5)
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 IV- Concept description (4/4) Capsule for Fc4 This requirement is not strong. It is easy to replace a capsule by 2 spheres FC4: group 2 PM in the same container Torus 200mm Half sphere 17’’ Connector machined on torus
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 V- Development approach Three Working packages: Coiling development: »Test in air »Choice of some interesting coiling concept »Test in water »Not linked with capsule development Capsule development: »Simulation »Test Unfurling development: »Convergence discussion »Hydro simulation »Test in water (With final cable and capsule) »After Coiling and capsule development
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 V- Development Approach (2/2) Test «in air » Capsule development Unfurling Test with deployment tool Test in «water » Coiling faisability (if cable choice done) Tools conception Coiling Validation (with dummy capsule) Convergence studies FEM Simulation Test Capsule faisability Qualification Preliminary Test Cable arrangement system design Unfurling validation Choice of some concept for water tests Hydro Simulation Preliminary Test 01/200901/2008 Choice of hydrodynamic concept Planning under construction/consolidation Cooperation needed Test on 2 storeys with partial bell Structures manufacturing Cable choice? Test with final cable and capsule
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 VI- simulation Simple hydro simulation: bottom unfurling Bell
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 VI- Design and prototype PMs container: capsule Capsule with Aluminium torus 5083 Dummy capsule for coiling test capsule design with cable support
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 VI- design and prototype Small storey Machined storey Small storey in line position with capsule
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 VI- Design and prototype Big storey Machined storey with dummy capsule Designed storey Machined storey with mechanical cable
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 VI- Design and prototype Cable management Cable coiling
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 VI- Design and prototype Cable management Cable coiling + +
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 VI- Design and prototype Unfolded line Not the right scale: ~30m between Each “Y”
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 VI- Preliminary test 2500m Capsule test Aluminium 5083 H111 Re=160 MPa L=197,7mm x e=40,25mm Glass splinter Mark on Al
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 VI- Preliminary test 2000m Capsule test Aluminium 5083 H111 Re=160 MPa L=197,7mm x e=40,25mm + No problem on sphere and aluminium 2 configurations: »Direct contact »PTFE contact PTFE joint
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 VI- Preliminary test Coiling air test (30m): Electro mechanical cable: ANTARES Coaxial Separate cable: Antares + mechanical 3 coaxial cables + mechanical Vidéo
S.BEURTHEY CPPM/IN2P3 VI- Preliminary test Planified coiling water test