EVALUATING STREAM COMPENSATION PERFORMANCE: Overcoming the Data Deficit Through Standardized Study Design Kenton L. Sena (EPA VSFS Intern), Joe Morgan, Brian Topping, Palmer Hough, and Jenny Thomas
Context Rising utilization of compensatory mitigation for stream impacts Lack of data regarding performance of compensation sites Need to evaluate compensation program as a whole Identify strengths and weaknesses Provide direction for future improvement Source: 2015 Mitigation Rule Report
Borrowing from Wetland Mitigation Team developed standardized approach for evaluating wetland mitigation performance While comparing precondition to post-mitigation condition would be ideal, pre-mitigation data are rarely available As an alternative, the wetland team recommended comparing mitigation wetland data to ambient wetland condition (NWCA) Here, we recommend a similar approach to evaluating stream compensation performance. Source: “Towards a National Evaluation of Compensatory Mitigation Sites: A Proposed Study Methodology”
Goals: Metric selection Broad enough to be utilized on a national scale Flexible enough for application to specific regional needs Comparable methods and metrics to National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) Time- and Cost-effective Apply at a pilot scale
Site Selection and Sampling Methods: Apply NRSA site-selection protocol: Random and representative selection of mitigation sites Establish 5 transects above and below x-site for sampling (11 transects total) Needs: Repeated sampling over time Spatial constraints to only mitigated reaches Source: National Rivers and Streams Assessment Field Operations Manual, 2009
Metrics: Watershed: Urbanization, disturbance history, etc. Channel morphology: Channel cross-section, bank angle, thalweg profile, riparian zone health Habitat: Woody debris tally, pool/riffle/run, substrate characteristics Hydrological: Discharge/flow estimate Chemical: DO, temperature, conductivity, pH, grab samples for regionally-specific analyses Biological: macroinvertebrate surveys and metrics
Research Questions: Comparison to NRSA: national ambient condition Ecoregional differences Techniques/methods used (e.g., in-stream structure, natural channel design, etc.) Impairment type Permittee responsible mitigation/in-lieu fee/Mitigation banking? Preservation/enhancement/rehabilitation/establish ment?
Challenges: moving forward Statistical questions Significant regional variation in methods, program size, program type, etc. Difficulties with multiple techniques applied within the same reach Funding Pilot program
References: Institute for Water Resources. The Mitigation Rule Retrospective: A review of the 2008 regulations governing compensatory mitigation for losses of aquatic resources. October US Army Institute for Water Resources, Alexandria, VA R-03. Environmental Law Institute Towards a National Evaluation of Compensatory Mitigation Sites: A Proposed Study Methodology. Washington, DC, available at nal_evaluation_of_compensatory_mitigation_0.pdf. nal_evaluation_of_compensatory_mitigation_0.pdf USEPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment: Field Operations Manual. EPA-841-B U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Metrics: Watershed-scale Urbanization % impervious surface Land use/land cover database Agriculture Disturbance history Mining Forest harvesting Construction Hydrological constraints (e.g., impoundments)
Metrics: Morphological Characterize stream channel Thalweg profile Channel cross-section Bank angle Characterize riparian zone Plant community composition Evidence of disturbance
Parameters: Habitat Habitat characterization Tally habitat type throughout reach (pool/riffle/run) Tally and characterize woody debris Characterize substrate embeddedness and size class
Metrics: Hydrological Discharge/flow? Useful information, but difficult to evaluate in a single site visit Options: Model flow from watershed data? Use stream gages Make discharge/flow an optional parameter Settle for one-time flow data
Metrics: Chemical In situ: Dissolved oxygen Temperature pH Conductivity Grab samples (regionally specific parameters): Metals (e.g., Fe, Mg, Ca, Mn) Other ions (e.g., SO4) Nutrients (e.g., NO3, PO4)
Metrics: Biological Macroinvertebrate surveys Kicknet sampling at each transect Composite samples and identify to family/genus in lab Calculate metrics (regionally specific) (Optional) Fish Characterize fish community and calculate fish IBI (Optional) Microbial Characterize microbial contamination (e.g., E. coli) Characterize algal/biofilm communities