Product: Passing out brochures at the East Clayton Dog Park
Steps for Product Make a survey to pass out at the Robinson Animal Hospital Plan a day to talk to a veterinarian at the Robinson Animal Hospital about my product and if I could pass out my surveys to their customers Visit the Robinson Animal Hospital and talk to worker at the front desk (visited three times a week for 2 weeks). (Denied)
Steps for Project Talk to Manager at Clayton Animal Hospital about my product and if I could pass out my survey to their customers. (Denied) Thought about having a veterinarian at the Clayton Animal Hospital as my mentor, until I got turned down Talked to my mom and she suggested a lady (Debra Mullen) that works with her who visits the ASPCA a couple times a month, who I’ve met before
Steps for Product Contacted Mrs. Mullen by phone to ask if she could be my mentor and she agreed right on the spot Thought about passing out my surveys at the East Clayton Dog Park Called Larry Bailey (Clayton Parks and Recreation Director) about passing out surveys at the East Clayton Dog Park
Steps for Product 10. Talking to Mr. Bailey talked to me for quiet a while and talked me into changing my product to a brochure Created a brochure and had my mom print out 50 at her work Went to dog park here and there from October 10, 2012 – November 16, 2012 to pass out my brochures and take pictures of me passing them out
Steps for Product Printed out pictures of making brochure, time spent at dog park, and time spent with my mentor Created my scrapbook Worked on completing yolasite
Problems arrived & overcame Problems Robinson Animal Hospital would never called back about accepting my product after visiting for two weeks, then eventually denied Clayton Animal Hospital denied my product because it wasn’t sponsoring them Survey question for product involved the word “Government”, which was too strong of a word to support my survey question Overcame problems I talked to Larry Bailey a couple times for a while, who helped me change my topic to a brochure Larry Bailey (Clayton Park and Recreation Director) accepted me to do my product at the East Clayton Dog Park
Successes After all the time I spent finding somewhere to do my product, I’m glad I ended up with the East Clayton Dog Park, because I met Larry Bailey who talked to me and helped me view things better like accepting peoples opinions and changing my product to something more creative Creating a brochure Creating my scrapbook After all the time that I spend worrying about finding a mentor, I’m glad that I found Debra Mullen, because she was easy to contact, fun to be with, and I spent time with her dogs whenever I’d see her for my mentor hours
What I learned… The main thing that I learned from doing my product, which was to pass out brochures at the East Clayton Dog Park was being able to handle and respond to people opinions when they read my brochure, because not everyone is going to agree. Going through that process helped me realize that I will be getting the same kind of criticism when I do art. I enjoy art because it’s something you can do on your own and there is no certain way to do it, though you will still get people’s opinions and criticism.
When I created my brochures and my scrapbook and even my yolasite, I realized that I can sculpt my art into them. I love art and instead of doing what I’m used to which is drawing and painting, I can also do computer and scrapbooking art. You can put your creativity into anything. What I learned…
By doing my project on spaying, neutering, and vaccines with pets and getting more involved by passing out brochures addressing my concern, it’s made me want to possibly start volunteering at animal shelters and get involved in a program to get more pets spayed and neutered so they don’t have any further problems, help them find homes, and to stop overpopulation.