The role of physical and human factors in tourism
Why are some LEDCs less attractive to tourists than other? List the top THREE reasons for a country not to attract tourists. Start you sentence as: The first reason for not attracting tourist is……………………..
What is the potential of cities, mountains and coastal areas for the development of tourism AIM
You are going to work in groups of THREE where each of you will complete ONE task in turns. There are THREE tasks in total. THE TASK: An A3 poster (one between three) showing the potential for tourism of mountains, coasts and cities of one country your group has been given. Task 1: An annotated sketch showing a typical tourist location in the mountains, a coastline or a city of your country. Task 2: A detail description of the country’s or region’s climate. Task 3: A review of the physical and human features of the country/region. Each group member will be allocated either a coast, mountain or city. EACH STUDENT IS TO COMPLETE ALL THREE TASKS FOR HIS TYPE OF ENVIRONMENT You have got THREE lessons to complete this. Lessons 1 and 2 for completing tasks 1 to 3. Lesson 3 will be used mainly to put your poster together.