Vocabulários Geonames Scovo Event Skos Data cube.


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulários Geonames Scovo Event Skos Data cube

Geonames Ontology

Adicionar informação geoespacial na Web Nomes de lugares em várias línguas População Elevação Outros dados de várias fontes Coordenadas em WGS84 (Sistema Geodésico Mundial )

Mais de 10 milhões de nomes geográficos 7.5 milhões de objetos geográficos 9 classes 645 subcategorias

A – Administrative Region country, state, region,... L – Area parks,area,... H – Hydrographic Land forest,heath,... T – Hypsographic mountain,hill,rock,... P – Populated Place city, village,... S - Spot Features spot, building, farm R – Streets / Highways / Roads road, railroad U – Undersea V – Vegetation forest,heath,... Classes

Algumas subcategorias

URI para o conceito URI para o documento RDF


[2] Embrun Ambrun FR


Apresentação [RDF-Schema] vocabulary for representing statistical data on the WebRDF-Schema defined in RDF-Schema


Classes Dataset a statistical dataset, is a SKOS Concept.SKOS Concept SKOS Core fornece um modelo para expressar a estrutura básica e o conteúdo do conceito de sistemas (tesauros, esquemas de classificação, mediante listas de título, taxonomias, terminologias, glossários e outros tipos de vocabulário controlado).

Classes Item a statistical data item; is a kind of Event.Event The Event model

Classes Class: scovo:Dataset Dataset – a statistical dataset URI: Properties include: scovo:datasetOf Used with: scovo:dataset

Classes Class: scovo:Dimension Dimension – a dimension of a statistical data item URI: Properties include: scovo:minscovo:min, scovo:maxscovo:max Used with: scovo:dimension

Classes Class: scovo:Item Item – a statistical data item URI: Properties include: scovo:datasetscovo:dataset, scovo:dimensionscovo:dimension Used with: scovo:datasetOf Superclass: event:Event

Propriedades Property: scovo:dataset belongs to dataset URI: – Domain: –scovo:Itemscovo:Item Range: –scovo:Datasetscovo:Dataset

Propriedades Property: scovo:datasetOf is the dataset of URI: Domain: scovo:Dataset Range: scovo:Item

Propriedades Property: scovo:dimension has a dimension URI: Domain: scovo:Item Range: scovo:Dimension

Propriedades Property: scovo:max has a maximum range value URI: Domain: scovo:Dimension

Propriedades Property: scovo:min has a minimum range value URI: Domain: scovo:Dimension

Exemplo: Modelling flight on-time arrival xsd:. # domain schema definitions ex:TimePeriod rdfs:subClassOf scv:Dimension ; dc:title "time period". ex:Q12006 rdf:type ex:TimePeriod ; dc:title "2006 Q1" ; scv:min " "^^xsd:date ; scv:max " "^^xsd:date.

Exemplo ex:OnTime rdfs:subClassOf scv:Dimension ; dc:title "on-time arrivals or departures". ex:ota rdf:type ex:OnTime ; dc:title "on-time arrivals". ex:Airport rdfs:subClassOf scv:Dimension ; dc:title "airport". ex:AtlantaHartsfield rdf:type ex:Airport ; dc:title "Atlanta, Hartsfield". # dataset and data items instances ex:ontime-flights rdf:type scv:Dataset ; dc:title "On-time Flight Arrivals and Departures at Major U.S. Airports: 2006" ; scv:datasetOf ex:AtlantaHartsfield-ota-2006-q1.

Exemplo ex:AtlantaHartsfield-ota-2006-q1 rdf:type scv:Item ; rdf:value 74 ; scv:dataset ex:ontime-flights ; scv:dimension ex:Q12006 ; scv:dimension ex:ota ; scv:dimension ex:AtlantaHartsfield.

Skos skos-reference /

Skos - Overview The Simple Knowledge Organization System is a common data model for knowledge organization systems such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading systems and taxonomies.

Skos - Overview SKOS concepts: can be labeled with any number of lexical (UNICODE) strings can be assigned one or more notations can be documented with notes of various types. can be linked to other SKOS concepts via semantic relation properties. can be grouped into collections can be mapped to other SKOS concepts in different concept schemes

SKOS - Example

Skos, RDF and OWL The elements of the SKOS data model are classes and properties Can be used side-by-side with OWL to express and exchange knowledge about a domain is not a formal knowledge representation language.

Skos, RDF and OWL "conhecimento" explícito em uma ontologia formal é expressa como um conjunto de axiomas e fatos um esquema de thesaurus ou classificação identifica e descreve, através de linguagem natural e outros meios informais, um conjunto de idéias ou significados distintos

Skos, RDF and OWL SKOS data are then expressed as RDF triples. SKOS OWL

Skos, RDF and OWL When OWL Full is used as a knowledge representation language, the notion of inconsistency is useful because it reveals contradictions within the axioms and facts SKOS data model contains a limited number of statements that are intended as integrity conditions.

Skos, RDF and OWL The elements of SKOS data model are OWL classes e properties. Most of the class and property definitions and integrity conditions could be stated as RDF triples, using the RDF, RDFS and OWL vocabularies. However, a small number cannot, either because of limitations in the expressiveness of OWL Full or lack of a standard URI for some class.

Skos – Concept Class A SKOS concept can be viewed as an idea or notion Vocabulary: skos:Concept Example: rdf:type skos:Concept.

Skos – Concept Schemas A SKOS concept scheme can be viewed as an aggregation of one or more SKOS concepts Vocabulary: Exemple:

Skos – Concept Schemas SKOS concept takes part in two different concept schemes — this is consistent with the SKOS data model. Flexibility does not provide any mechanism to completely define a concept scheme.

Skos – Lexical Lables A lexical label is a string of UNICODE characters, such as "romantic love" or " れんあい ", in a given natural language Vocabulary:

Skos – Lexical Lables Examples:

Skos – Notations A notation is not normally recognizable as a word or sequence of words in any natural language Vocabulary: skos:notation Example:

Skos – Documentation Properties A notation is not normally recognizable as a word or sequence of words in any natural language Vocabulary:

Skos – Documentation Properties Exemples: Literal Reference

Skos – Semantic Relations are links between SKOS concepts two basic categories of semantic relation: hierarchical and associative. Vocabulary:

Skos – Semantic Relations Examples:

Skos – Semantic Relations Skos:related - Symmetry, transitivity and reflexivity

Skos – Semantic Relations Skos:broader - Symmetry, transitivity and reflexivity

Skos – Concept Colletions are labeled and/or ordered groups of SKOS concepts Vocabulary:

Skos – Concept Colletions Examples:

Skos – Mapping Properties are used to state mapping (alignment) links between SKOS concepts in different concept schemes. Vocabularies:

Skos – Mapping Properties Examples:

Skos – Mapping Properties Transitivity:

Data Cube vocabulary

Introduction publication of multi-dimensional data on the web Se baseia nos seguintes vocabulários: SKOS for concept schemesSKOS SCOVO for core statistical structuresSCOVO VoiD for data accessVoiD FOAF for organizationsFOAF Dublin Core Terms for metadataDublin Core Terms

Relationship to scovo Scovo does not support: Definition and publication of the structure of a dataset independent from the concrete data data flows which group together datasets that share the same structure, for example from different national data providers, definition of "slices" through a dataset, such as an individual time series or cross-section, for individual annotation, distinctions between dimensions, attributes and measures.

The cube model A cube is organized according to a set of dimensions, attributes and measures. We collectively call these components. The dimension components serve to identify the observations. A set of values for all the dimension components is sufficient to identify a single observation. The measure components represent the phenomenon being observed. The attribute components allow us to qualify and interpret the observed value(s).

Slices subsets of observations within a dataset

Exemples life expectancy broken down by region (unitary authority), age and time MaleFemaleMaleFemaleMaleFemale Newport Cardiff Monmouthshire Merthyr Tydfil

Outline of the vocabulary

Examples data.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/specs/src/ main/html/cube.htmlhttp://publishing-statistical- data.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/specs/src/ main/html/cube.html