Jeopardy People Immigrants African Americans Business Misc. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from People President who followed Harding He believed in staying out of Business affairs to keep the good Times going.
$100 Answer from People Pres. Calvin Coolidge
$200 Question from People Lost Generation writers wrote about Flawed but heroic individuals for Example “The Great Gatsby” written By??
$200 Answer from People F Scott Fitzgerald
$300 Question from People Group of women who showed Their rising independence and Money.
$300 Answer from People Flappers
$400 Question from People Pilot who flew solo non-stop across The Atlantic Ocean. He was a Famed isolationist ((believed USA Should stay out of other countries Business))
$400 Answer from People Charles Lindbergh
$500 Question from People African American Writer who wrote about African American issues like how deep and bad racism was
$500 Answer from People Langston Hughes
$100 Question from Immigrants What is hatred of Immigrants Called (discrimination against them)
$100 Answer from Immigrants Nativism
$200 Question from Immigrants What organization discriminated Against immigrants?
$200 Answer from Immigrants KKK
$300 Question from Immigrants What court case (named after Defendants) showed nativism because Immigrants were found guilty and Sentenced to death for a crime on very Little evidence
$300 Answer from Immigrants Sacco and Venzetti
$400 Question from Immigrants Name both laws that restricted immigration (especially from places Other than western Europe)
$400 Answer from Immigrants Emergency Quota Act & National Origins Act
$500 Question from Immigrants Name the business leader who Made his immigrant-based Employees give up their culture ((Even had a secret sociological Department to spy on them))
$500 Answer from Immigrants Henry Ford
$100 Question from African Americans Name racist practice of hanging African Americans without a trial That the NAACP wanted to stop
$100 Answer from African Americans Lynching
$200 Question from African Americans Name of a famous Harlem Nightclub That celebrated A.A. culture and music Ironically: while the entertainers were all Black, the customers were all white.
$200 Answer from African Americans Cotton Club
$300 Question from African Americans Name of the idea of celebrating African American culture and music
$300 Answer from African Americans Harlem Renaissance
$400 Question from African Americans Idea that 1) glorified black culture and traditions And 2) Pushed A.A.s to gain education as the Key to gaining political and economic Power/Equality
$400 Answer from African Americans Black Nationalism
$500 Question from African Americans Name both the African American leader And his controversial idea that said A.A. Could never gain equality in America so should Just leave. ((His idea was rejected by African Americans))
$500 Answer from African Americans Marcus Garvey And “Back to Africa”
$100 Question from Business Who is credited with pioneering The idea of Mass Production?
$100 Answer from Business Henry Ford
$200 Question from Business People started buying all the new products of The 1920s on credit. Name both the “plan” And What it led Americans to being in?
$200 Answer from Business Installment plan And Debt
$300 Question from Business Development of new products led To the rapid economic growth of the 1920s Name the top 2 products of the 1920s
$300 Answer from Business Cars And Radios
$400 Question from Business Consumerism/Materialism = rising Spending on Business Products What led to an increase in Consumerism? ((Hint Advertising))
$400 Answer from Business Mass Media
$500 Question from Business Name at LEAST 2 Things that Helped make businesses so successful
$500 Answer from Business ((Lots of answers check if your close to 2+)) 1)Rising Consumer Income (People had more money)) 2)Mass Production ((Assembly Line = Produce More)) 3)Rising Stock Market ((Wealthier people spent more)) 4)Use of Credit/Installment Plan ((More Spending)) 5)New Products ((new things to buy and make)) 6) Mass Media ((showed america lots of new things to want/buy))
$100 Question from Misc. The treaty of Versailles punished The losing Germany and forced Germany to pay war damages. What was the war damages called?
$100 Answer from Misc. Reparations
$200 Question from Misc. What was the idea that America Should stay out of world affairs called? ((Charles Lindbergh was an example of someone who championed This idea))
$200 Answer from Misc. Isolationism
$300 Question from Misc. Group of people who believed America was losing its traditional On lots of issues like: “Women’s Rights, Ethics, Values, Materialism, and Consumerism”
$300 Answer from Misc. Fundamentalists Who believed the Bible was word for word True.
$400 Question from Misc. The most famous fundamentalist Issue was on what subject? It was the issue at the Scopes Trial
$400 Answer from Misc. Evolution
$500 Question from Misc. Life was generally good in the 1920s EXCEPT…. (name at least 3 Excepts)
$500 Answer from Misc. Excepts: 1)For Farmers2) Prohibition led to more crime 3)KKK grew4) Nativism grew 5) Americans went into debt for their buying 6) Rise of Fundamentalism
Final Jeopardy True and False. 3 of these are false which 3! 1)Speakeasies were caused by Prohibition 2)Materialism is the buying of lots of consumer goods 3)Sacco was a famous writer 4)Mass Media brought America closer together by sharing news 5)Black Nationalism showed pride in A.A. culture and promoted education 6)Automobiles increased women’s dependence on men 7)Mass Media led to rise in Sports Stars like Babe Ruth 8)Installment plans were buying consumer goods on credit 9)Immigrant faced an easier time in America 10)A science teacher was arrested and put on trial for teaching evolution
Final Jeopardy Answer False Answers were 3: Lost Generation Writer = Fitzgerald Or Hemingway. Harlem Writer = Langston Hughes 6: Women were gaining more independence (Flappers) and cars would just help this 9: Immigrants faced widespread discrimination (nativism) Ranging from laws restricting them coming (Emergency Quota ACT) To groups like KKK to even business leaders like Henry Ford Trying to change them. Even Sacco as part of the Sacco & Venzetti Trial was sentenced to die in part for being an immigrant