The Progressive Era Notes
What did they believe? Progressives believed that ________ ideas and ____________, efficient government could bring about social justice.
Reforms cont. Services Provided by Settlement houses: Child care classes for mothers Teaching English to immigrants Nursery schools and kindergarten Dance for adults
What did they want? They wanted to eliminate abuses of big business and help the poor. They want a better life for _________ in the U.S.
Progressive Journalists Also known as MUCKRAKERS- These people exposed political and corporate corruption…
Progressive Reforms #1 Settlement houses- A type of community center Jane Addams is the leading lady 1 st = Hull House in Chicago (1889) More than 400 across the country by 1911!
More Progressive Reforms #2 Help the children Tried to outlaw child labor –Not officially outlawed until 1938! Progressives wanted to create better public schools
#3 Factory laws Progressives fought for safer work environments and shorter hours especially after Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
Women Make Progress Why were women attracted to the Progressive Party? 1. Lack of opportunities 2. Chance to make a change *Women in the early 1900s wanted to be more than wives and mothers
HOMEWORK Read Ch 8 sec 2 Pg. 226 #4, 5, and 6 (2 sentences each)
Actions taken by organizations such as those shown in the following picture helped bring about… A) The decision in Plessy v. Ferguson B) The decision in Brown v. Board of Education C) The 19th Amendment to the Constitution D) The 26th Amendment to the Constitution
Woman making Progress… Two main goals of Progressive Women: 1) Suffrage- The right to vote 19 th Amendment finally passed in )Temperance- Ban alcohol (18 th Amendment)
Famous Women of the Progressive Era Florence Kelley- formed the National Consumers League Margaret Sanger- In 1916 she opened the first birth control clinic *Many women activists were put in jail and went on hunger strikes
Progressives Fight Discrimination The Progressive Era= not so progressive for nonwhites and immigrants Settlement houses places for _____________________ AND __________________
Riots lead to NAACP FORMED IN 1909 * In 1908 a white mob in Illinois (Lincoln’s hometown) tired to lynch two African American prisoners. The prisoners moved to safety and rioters turned on the black residents.
Get out a piece of paper! Write your name in the top right-hand corner #1- birthday in Jan, Feb, or March Ch 8 or Ch 9 vocab term and the definition #2- birthday in April, May, or June Progressive Reforms- what did they want? #3- birthday in July, August, or Sept. Women make Progress- how or what did they want? #4- birthday in Oct, Nov, or Dec Fact from a flashcard- any color!
At the State Level… Progressives wanted: -direct election of Senators -primaries -free public education (for ALL)
At the Federal (National) Level… Progressives wanted: Progressive Presidents in office 1 st Progressive President= Theodore Roosevelt (also known as Teddy**)
Teddy Roosevelt to 1909 Enforces anti-trust legislation Regulates foods and drugs Concerned with conservation Progressive Party officially formed in 1912
Woodrow Wilson to 1921 Creates the Federal Reserve Fights for workers’ rights Anti-trust legislation is strengthened