ALCOHOL’S EFFECTS Addiction– a physiological or psychological dependence on a drug Pain reliever Anesthetic Numbs
ALCOHOL’S EFFECTS Depressant Slows reactions & judgment in 2 minutes Slows breathing & heart rate Diuretic Water out of body Ingestion Through the stomach to blood; 90% ingested
ALCOHOL’S EFFECTS Intoxication -TOXIC = poison effected by: Proof – 2x the amount of alcohol Rate of intake Food in stomach Attitude – psychosomatic Body size & gender Altitude – less oxygen
ALCOHOL’S EFFECTS Multiplier Effect - + vs. x 2 beers + 2 shots of whiskey = 4 2 beers + 3 shots of whiskey = 5 2 beers x 2 sleeping pills = 4 4 beers x 2 sleeping pills = 8 8 beers x 3 sleeping pills = 24
ALCOHOL’S EFFECTS Metabolism Breaks down alcohol in the 1-1 ½ oz sea level Nothing sobers a person except time Not coffee (wide awake drunk) Not cold showers (wet drunk) Not exercising (sweaty drunk)
BLOOD ALCOHOL LEVEL (BAC) Blood alcohol concentration .05 (3-4 drinks) Judgment effected Inhibitions (lose your drive to do anything) Reactions slows .08 (5-6 drinks) Intoxicated in CA
BLOOD ALCOHOL LEVEL (BAC) CONT. Blood Alcohol Concentration .22 (13-14 drinks) Average BAC of people arrested by CHP for DUI/DWI .35 (20+drinks) Prevent OD the body vomits or passes out .50 (30+drinks) Death is possible (Acute Alcohol Poisoning)
DISEASES Alcoholism Stage 1 Relieve distress (artificially changes environment) Stage 2 Hides alcohol use & usually drinks alone Stage 3 Hurts relationships with family & friends Hurts occupation Hurts reputation Hurts health
DISEASES CONT. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Baby smaller Baby lighter Possible mental retardation Cirrhosis of the liver Yellowish coloring of skin Delirium Tremors Uncontrollable shakes & hallucinations