NCAA (M) vs FIBA Prepared by Paul Deshaies and Pierre Marion © Copyright Paul Deshaies and Pierre Marion
Bench and basket NCAA (M) FIBA Home team chooses benchHome team chooses bench Pre-game warm-up at opposite endPre-game warm-up at opposite end Home team occupies bench to the left of the scorer’s table facing the playing court Pre-game warm-up at opposite end If both teams agree, benches and/or baskets can be changed
Duration NCAA (M) FIBA 2 x 202 x 20 Intervals:Intervals: –15 minutes at half –1 minute before extra period 4 x 10 Intervals: –15 minutes at half –2 minutes between quarters and before extra periods
Jump ball NCAA (M) FIBA Movement restricted around the circleMovement restricted around the circle To begin game and extra periodsTo begin game and extra periods Live ball when tossed by the officialLive ball when tossed by the official No movement restriction around the circle To begin 1 rst period only Live ball when ball legally tapped by jumper
Throw-in NCAA (M) FIBA Pass anywhere onto the courtPass anywhere onto the court Ball may not be passed over the backboardBall may not be passed over the backboard Players may not line up parrallel to boundary line, less than 6 feet from line, if opponents desire spot between positionsPlayers may not line up parrallel to boundary line, less than 6 feet from line, if opponents desire spot between positions Throw-in from the front court must be passed into the front court Ball may be thrown over the backboard No rule
Throw-in (continued) NCAA (M) FIBA Ball extended over boundary line andBall extended over boundary line and –tied up : held ball, alternate possession –slapped: legal Thrower-in must make throw-in at throw-in spot (within 1 step)Thrower-in must make throw-in at throw-in spot (within 1 step) Ball extended over boundary line and tied up or slapped: throw-in violation Thrower-in may not move more than a total of 1 meter along the line in one or in both directions
Clock stopped, ball dead (except after basket during last minute)Clock stopped, ball dead (except after basket during last minute) Before live ball on any free throwBefore live ball on any free throw After last successful free throw or free throw followed by throw-in at mid-courtAfter last successful free throw or free throw followed by throw-in at mid-court Substitutions NCAA (M) FIBA Clock stopped, ball dead (except after basket in last two minutes, only team entitled to the ball) Before ball handed to free thrower for 1 st free throw After last successful free throw or free throw followed by throw-in at mid-court
During time-out, subs must report before warning signalDuring time-out, subs must report before warning signal Sub coming in may leave during same dead ballSub coming in may leave during same dead ball Substitutions (continued) NCAA (M) FIBA After a time-out, before live ball Sub coming in may not leave during same dead ball ( even if sub replaced injured player who recuperated during time- out )
Charged time-outs NCAA (M) FIBA 4 X 75 seconds, signal at 60 sec.4 X 75 seconds, signal at 60 sec. 2 x 30 seconds, signal at 15 seconds and players must stay on the court2 x 30 seconds, signal at 15 seconds and players must stay on the court CumulativeCumulative 1 additional 75 seconds per extra period1 additional 75 seconds per extra period 5 X 60 seconds (2 in first half and 3 in second half), signal at 50 seconds Non cumulative 1 X 60 seconds per extra period
Charged time-outs (continued) NCAA (M)FIBA Request from coach or player :Request from coach or player : –Player control (except to prevent imminent out-of-bounds or back-court violation)(except to prevent imminent out-of-bounds or back-court violation) –Dead ball Permitted during free throw activityPermitted during free throw activity May be shortenedMay be shortened Request from coach to scorer : –Play stoppage –Basket scored upon No time –out during free throw activity Must last 60 seconds
Act of shooting NCAA (M)FIBA Airborne shooter must return with one footAirborne shooter must return with one foot On a throw-in, 0.3 second left or less, player catches ball and attempts a try: no goalOn a throw-in, 0.3 second left or less, player catches ball and attempts a try: no goal Airborne shooter must return with both feet
Closely guarded (5 seconds) NCAA (M) FIBA Front court onlyFront court onlyFront and back courts
Swinging the elbows (no contact) NCAA (M)FIBA ViolationViolation If ball in the air on a try: blow the whistleIf ball in the air on a try: blow the whistle –Try successful: ignore the violation –Try unsuccessful: administer violation No rule
Front court – Back court NCAA (M)FIBA Player straddling mid- court line is still in the back courtPlayer straddling mid- court line is still in the back court Dribbling into front court: 2 feet + ballDribbling into front court: 2 feet + ball Player straddling mid- court line is in the front court Dribbling into front court: 1 foot or ball
Back court violation NCAA (M)FIBA Team controlTeam control Last touchedLast touched First touchedFirst touched Exception: no violation ifException: no violation if –Player jumps from front court, catches ball, and lands into back court or deflects ball to backcourt during: a throw-ina throw-in a jump balla jump ball an interceptionan interception Team control Last touched First touched No exception
Traveling NCAA (M) FIBA Player holding the ball, falling down: violationPlayer holding the ball, falling down: violation Player holding the ball, falling down: not necessarily a violation
Blocked shot NCAA (M) FIBA If a defender blocks a shot while the shooter is airborne and the shooter returns to the floor without having lost control of the ball: held ball, alternating possessionIf a defender blocks a shot while the shooter is airborne and the shooter returns to the floor without having lost control of the ball: held ball, alternating possession If a defender blocks a shot while the shooter is airborne and the shooter returns to the floor without having lost control of the ball: traveling violation (if both players have firm grip on ball, then jump ball situation, alternating possession)
Shot clock NCAA (M) FIBA 30 seconds30 seconds BeginsBegins –Jump ball: control –Free throw: control on rebound –Throw-in: when touched by player in bounds 24 seconds Begins –Jump ball: control –Free throw: control on rebound –Throw-in: control in bounds
Shot clock (continued) NCAA (M) FIBA Injury : no resetInjury : no reset Held ball caused by defense, arrow favours offense: no resetHeld ball caused by defense, arrow favours offense: no reset Team control, stoppage resulting in alternating possession to team in control: no resetTeam control, stoppage resulting in alternating possession to team in control: no reset Inadvertent whistle during team control: no resetInadvertent whistle during team control: no reset Kicked ball:Kicked ball: –15 and more: no reset –14 and less: reset to 15 Injury to offensive player: no reset Injury to defensive player: reset Held ball caused by defense, arrow favours offense: no reset Team control, stoppage resulting in alternating possession to team in control: no reset Inadvertent whistle: reset except if undue advantage Kicked ball: reset to 24
Shot followed by horn (whistle) NCAA (M)FIBA Shot –30 second horn – Deflection: Live ballShot –30 second horn – Deflection: Live ball Shot – Horn to end period (Whistle) – Deflection: Live ballShot – Horn to end period (Whistle) – Deflection: Live ball Shot – 24 second horn – Deflection: Dead ball Shot – Horn to end period (Whistle)– Deflection: Dead ball
Clock stopped at the end of the game after basket NCAA (M)FIBA Last minuteLast minute No substitutions even if there is a delayNo substitutions even if there is a delay Last 2 minutes Substitutions allowed to team scored upon
Basket interference NCAA (M) FIBA Try for goal – Ball strikes ring – Ball in cylinder – Don’t touchTry for goal – Ball strikes ring – Ball in cylinder – Don’t touch Try for goal – Ball strikes board – Upward flight not in cylinder – May touchTry for goal – Ball strikes board – Upward flight not in cylinder – May touch Try for goal – Ball strikes ring – May touch (Except if whistle or horn to end period) Try for goal – Ball strikes board – Upward flight above level of ring– Don’t touch
Causing the board to vibrate NCAA (M)FIBA Vibration causes ball not to enter the basket: Technical foulVibration causes ball not to enter the basket: Technical foul Vibration causes ball not to enter the basket: Basket interference
Free throw NCAA (M) FIBA First 2 lane spaces must be occupied by defenseFirst 2 lane spaces must be occupied by defense Maximum of 4 defenders + 2 offensive playersMaximum of 4 defenders + 2 offensive players Unoccupied spaces not exclusiveUnoccupied spaces not exclusive No neutral zoneNo neutral zone 4 th space may not be occupied4 th space may not be occupied First 2 lane spaces may be vacant Maximum of 3 defenders + 2 offensive players Spaces exclusive Neutral zone
Free throw (continued) NCAA (M) FIBA 10 seconds10 seconds All violations are penalizedAll violations are penalized Delay on a violation by defender (ignore if free throw successful)Delay on a violation by defender (ignore if free throw successful) Violation by teammate of free thrower: dead ballViolation by teammate of free thrower: dead ball Violation by free thrower does not take precedenceViolation by free thrower does not take precedence 5 seconds Only a violation by the free thrower cancels successful free throw Violation by free thrower takes precedence
Free throw (continued) NCAA (M) FIBA Free-thrower may not fake tryFree-thrower may not fake try Players along lane may not fake violationPlayers along lane may not fake violation Free-thrower may not enter semi- circle after ball is placed at disposalFree-thrower may not enter semi- circle after ball is placed at disposal Delayed violation still in effect after time-outDelayed violation still in effect after time-out At the end of game, free throw not attempted if outcome already decidedAt the end of game, free throw not attempted if outcome already decided Free-thrower may not fake try
Bonus situation NCAA (M) FIBA Team fouls per halfTeam fouls per half Count all personal and direct technical foulsCount all personal and direct technical fouls Beginning on 7 th foul:Beginning on 7 th foul: –1 + 1 Beginning on 10 th foul:Beginning on 10 th foul: –2 free throws Team fouls per quarter Count only player fouls (personal and technical) Beginning on 5 th foul: –2 free throws
Contact foul during dead ball NCAA (M)FIBA Intentional technical foulIntentional technical foul Personal foul (could be unsportsmanlike)
Intentional or unsportsmanlike foul NCAA (M) FIBA 2 + possession at point nearest the infraction2 + possession at point nearest the infraction Successful basket :Successful basket : –2 + possession 2+ possession at mid- court Successful basket : –1 + possession
Technical fouls NCAA (M) FIBA 2 free throws2 free throws Point of interruptionPoint of interruption Intentional or flagrant:Intentional or flagrant: –2 free throws+ possession at mid-court
Technical fouls NCAA (M) FIBA Next pages Technical foul for falling down to fake foul
Indirect technical fouls (not counting in team total) NCAA (M) Delay of gameDelay of game List of playersList of players Too many playersToo many players Excessive timeoutsExcessive timeouts Laser pointersLaser pointers SubstitutionSubstitution Illegal number, jerseyIllegal number, jersey Grasping the ringGrasping the ring Dunking dead ball Intentionally slapping backboard or causing vibration while ball in flight, touching backboard, in cylinder, or in or on basket Putting hand on backboard to gain advantage Leaving court to gain advantage Preventing ball from being put in play Touching the ball in flight during free throw Unsporting conduct by followers –Articicial noise makers –Debris on the court –Delay of game –Disrecpectfully addressing an official –Electronic transmission to those in bench area
Direct technical fouls (counting in team total) NCAA (M) Unsporting player conductUnsporting player conduct –Disrespect (language, gesture) –Profanity, taunting, baiting –Obstruction of opponent’s vision –Climbing on teammate to secure greater height –Knowingly attempting free throw to which not entitled –Inciting undesirable crowd reaction –Using tobacco Unsporting conduct of bench personnel –Disrespect toward an official –Attempting to influence an official’s decision –Taunting or baiting –Objecting to an official’s decision (rising from bench, gestures) –Inciting undesirable crowd reaction –Entering court without permission –Failing to replace disqualified or injured player within 30 seconds –Using tobacco –Refusing to occupy assigned bench –Using electronic transmission
Correctable errors NCAA (M) FIBA Error corrected: point of interruptionError corrected: point of interruption Awarding free throws at the wrong basket still a correctable errorAwarding free throws at the wrong basket still a correctable error If error is not awarding merited free throws and during ensuing possession, team is granted a time- out and the error is then discovered: award free throws and normal resumption after the last free throwIf error is not awarding merited free throws and during ensuing possession, team is granted a time- out and the error is then discovered: award free throws and normal resumption after the last free throw Error corrected: point of interruption except : –If error = wrong free-thrower or unmerited free throws : cancel free throws and resume play as follows: If clock has not started following the error, award ball throw-in to team whose free throws were canceled If clock has started after the error, and no team control or control by same team: throw-in to that team If clock has started after the error, and team control by opponent, jump ball situation If clock has started and a foul committed with free throws awarded, administer free throws and resume play with throw-in by team in control at the time of the error –If error = merited free throws not awarded basket scored by team victim of the error without change of possession: ignore the error no change of possession after the error, award free throws and resume play as after normal free throw
Special situations NCAA (M)FIBA All penalties administered except for double fouls and simultaneous foulsAll penalties administered except for double fouls and simultaneous fouls Resume play normally after last sanctionResume play normally after last sanction Cancellation of equal penalties –Administer remaining sanctions –If no sanction left: Alternate possession or Throw-in by team in control or entitled to ball
Fighting Bench personnel entering the court NCAA (M)FIBA DisqualificationDisqualification No technical foulNo technical foul Only head coach may helpOnly head coach may help Disqualification 1 technical foul to the coach Head coach and assistant may help