Introduction to Medianet Web Searching & Booking Copyright Dymaxion Research Ltd.
Searching from your school webpage Select Teachers’ Resources Select TDSB Media Library (Medianet)
…to browse for titles
More details!
Everything from detailed overviews to Power Tips!
but keep it simple: search first, then tailor if required tailor your search with optional pop-down menus Green is used to draw attention to the next likely step… submit Catalogue Search Options add * for prefix search e.g. cat* enter search term
An alphabetic listing Click on this pick button to add the item to your shopping cart now. Click on any title’s name to view a full description.
All title details Link to other titles under these subjects Click to view the series members
Series description & Members/Episode list Click a title to view a full description
Series member details Add to your order
Your private account Employee number Is initially school phone # Remember, green is used to draw attention to the next likely step… click OK
More details! Your order form First available date Add to order Optionally type in title number 09946
Enter a specific show date from the pull downs menu Dec06 Your updated order form Test the dates Use the calendar to help!
View a visual display of available dates… Available Dates Your availability results Click calendar available starting dates are green Place order for available items
Your order confirmation Your successful order! Optionally, choose an available date… Then re-test availability Dec 06
Close browser to logout Or click logout Done with this order? Dec 06 Use Medianet Options for more information
MediaNet Options
An expanding number of services! View your overdue items Display your bookings lengthen a reservation via request send a message or query about a reservation automatically cancel a reservation
A quick view of your bookings Back to Medianet Options
The Update column re-use previous reservations Rebook your favorite titles for next year, Select, change dates and submit change your web login password send updated contact info to the reservation office
Multi-pick Feature
Order multiple items from one search The optional multi-pick feature allows you to choose several titles from a single search and place them on the order form all at one time. To select a multi-pick display, select the Detail Display Menu and choose: Brief multi-pick or Full multi-pick
You can also limit you search by audience level Type your search criteria Choose appropriate pull-down options Press Submit plants
Performing a multi-pick search Full multi-pick results display full information. Click the box beside the title/format you wish to order… you may mark many titles. Brief multi-pick results display brief title information followed by available formats. Full Multi-pick Brief Multi-pick
Selecting multiple items Brief multi-pick results display brief title information followed by available formats. Click the box beside the title/format you wish to order… you may mark many titles. Press pick items on page to add selected titles to the order form.
The multi-pick order form functions the same as the standard order form. Enter your order dates and continue searching or submit your order in your usual manner. The multi-pick order form
Our specialized title listings group items by commonly- requested categories Listings are designed to help make your searching more successful… if there are any mediagraphies that would be helpful to you, please let us know. or view/print the corresponding mini-catalog (in PDF format for Adobe Acrobat Reader) Choose category
Mediagraphy in PDF format
Contact: Library Media Resources Phone: Thank You!
Credits Special thanks to Jennifer Maydole of North Central ESD, Wenatchee, WA for the foundation of this presentation. Modified by Connie Ruscica.