Can another type of paper make an airplane fly better? by Julio Gonzales
Can a other type of paper make an airplane fly better ? o Construction paper o Regular paper o Poster paper
Daily Chart TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Construction paper Construction paper won. Tie with regular paper Construction paper got 2 nd place Regular paper Regular paper got 2nd Tie with construction paper Regular paper won Poster paperPoster paper lost Poster paper got 2nd Construction paper lost
Materials Construction paper Regular paper Poster paper Measuring tape Lots of room space
Hypothesis The construction paper airplane will fly better because of its weight.
Procedure 1. make any type of paper airplane with the paper that you bout. 2.make all of the paper airplanes the same type and the same folds. 3. when you finish making your paper airplanes use the measuring tape to stretch the measuring as long as you can then put the measuring tape on lock. 4.stand in front of your measuring tape and throw your paper air plane and see how far it lands.