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Concepto: los verbos con cambios radicales los verbos con cambios radicales
What you will find in this presentation: 1. What stem-changing verbs are. A. Where to make stem-changes to verbs. 2. How to make verbs stem-change from O to UE. A. O to UE Verb Vocabulary 3. How to make verbs stem-change from E to IE. A. E to IE Verb Vocabulary A. E to IE Verb Vocabulary 4. How to make verbs stem-change from E to I. A. E to I Verb Vocabulary 5. Practice Exercises.
1. Stem-changing verbs are verbs that change in the root (or stem) of the verb. 2. Whenever a verb takes a subject in Spanish, it must conjugate so that the person knows who the subject of the sentence is. 3. These types of verbs still conjugate, but their root changes, as well. 4. The root (or stem) of each verb has changed throughout history as the Spanish accent became stronger in the Latin language.
1. Stem-changes occur in all forms of the verb except: the infinitive the infinitive the “nosotros” form the “nosotros” form the “vosotros” form. the “vosotros” form. 2. When you conjugate all the other forms of the verb, you simply replace the stem. If it’s an (o ue) change, then take the “o” and replace it with a “ue”. If it’s an (o ue) change, then take the “o” and replace it with a “ue”. If it’s an (e ie) change, then take the “e” and replace it with an “ie”. If it’s an (e ie) change, then take the “e” and replace it with an “ie”. If it’s an (e i) change, then take the “e” and replace it with an “i”. If it’s an (e i) change, then take the “e” and replace it with an “i”. 3. You will have to memorize which verbs are stem- changers. There are only a few in the language and predominantly exist in the present-tense.
1. Step 1: Conjugate the verb regularly based on if it’s an “AR, ER or IR” verb. 2. Step 2: Change all of the necessary stems from an o to a ue. 3. Look at the example below: DORMIR – to sleep dormo dormes dorme dormimos dormís dormen Yo Nosotros Tú Vosotros Él, Ella, Usted, Se Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes duermo duermes duerme duermen
1. almorzar- to have lunch 2. contar- to count 3. costar- to cost 4. devolver- to throw back 5. dormir- to sleep 6. morir- to die 7. mostrar- to show 8. poder- to be able 9. recordar- to remember 10. volver- to return
1. Step 1: Conjugate the verb regularly based on if it’s an “AR, ER or IR” verb. 2. Step 2: Change all of the necessary stems from an e to a ie. 3. Look at the example below: CERRAR – to close cerro cerras cerra cerramos cerráis cerran Yo Nosotros Tú Vosotros Él, Ella, Usted, Se Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes cierro cierras cierra cierran
1. cerrar- to close 2. comenzar, empezar- to begin, start 3. defender- to defend 4. entender- to understand 5. pensar- to think 6. perder- to lose 7. preferir- to prefer 8. querer- to want 9. referir- to refer 10. sentir- to feel
1. Step 1: Conjugate the verb regularly based on if it’s an “AR, ER or IR” verb. 2. Step 2: Change all of the necessary stems from an e to a i. 3. Look at the example below: SERVIR – to serve servo serves serve servimos servís serven Yo Nosotros Tú Vosotros Él, Ella, Usted, Se Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes sirvo sirves sirve sirven
1. medir- to measure 2. pedir- to request, to ask for 3. repetir- to repeat 4. servir- to serve
Before working on the assessment to see your progress at this point, make sure to complete the question before clicking to see the answer. Before working on the assessment to see your progress at this point, make sure to complete the question before clicking to see the answer. 1. The first click will show all the problems. 1. The first click will show all the problems. 2. Write your answers on a piece of paper LARGE and NEATLY 2. Write your answers on a piece of paper LARGE and NEATLY 3. Then click for each individual answer. 3. Then click for each individual answer. 4. Correct your work. DO NOT ERASE, because you need to see where your mistake is. 4. Correct your work. DO NOT ERASE, because you need to see where your mistake is.
1. I have lunch with my friends. 2. He defends the ball from the player. 3. You do not remember the answer. 4. The book costs ten dollars. 5. The books cost twenty dollars. 6. I understand Spanish, but she is able to speak Spanish. 7. They repeat the answer every day. Almuerzo con mis amigos. No recuerdas la respuesta. Entiendo español, pero ella puede hablar español. Él defiende el balón del jugador. El libro cuesta diez dólares. Los libros cuestan veinte dólares. Ellos repiten la respuesta cada día.
1. Check over your work. 1. Check over your work. 2. If you had any errors, make sure to be aware of what they were. 2. If you had any errors, make sure to be aware of what they were. If they were common errors, then make sure you aware of that error before the exam. If they were common errors, then make sure you aware of that error before the exam. 3. If you had different kinds of errors, and are having difficulties with stem-changing verbs; this is the point when you need to come into office hours for help on resolving your issues with the content. That’s what I am here to assist you with. 3. If you had different kinds of errors, and are having difficulties with stem-changing verbs; this is the point when you need to come into office hours for help on resolving your issues with the content. That’s what I am here to assist you with. 4. If your errors are minor and consistent, make sure to fix those errors. 4. If your errors are minor and consistent, make sure to fix those errors.