V2I communication applied to pay-per-use model: PPU-SIM Project Carlos Moliner
2 ITE Energy technology center IBV Biomechanics Technology Center AIMPLAS Plastics technology center ITI Computer Science technology center AIMME Metal- mechanics technology center 2 MOBILITY, AUTOMOTIVE AND MEANS OF TRANSPORT INDUSTRY iMAUT: Strategic collaboration between 5 Technology Centers
Objective: Development and in-vehicle integration of a pay-per-use functionality that allows mobility related services payment from the cockpit HMI. Use Cases: 1.- Discourage vehicle access to city center (Congestion tax), 2.- Booking of charging station slot and payment of charging service. 3 PPU-SIM Project (Pay-Per-Use for a Sustainable Mobility) WP1 Communication Platform WP2 PPU oriented HMIs WP3 Physical integration in cockpit InfrastructureUser Vehicle Integral Function development Intelligent and communicated vehicle User centered design Sustainable vehicle Funded by:
Hybrid cognitive tasks analysis (HCTA) is used to extract information to be provided by the interface, get the flowcharts and establish the information requirements. European Statement of Principles on HMI (design, information presentation, interaction with displays and controls, system behavior and information). Example of parking places HMI Development Validation: Measure the interference of the HMI whilst driving. Validate interference between driving and HMI use are within safe thresholds. Identify improvement areas in the system design (usability) Assessment method Lane Change Test (LCT) ISO Funded by:
OBJECTIVE ANALYSIS TASK PERFORMANCE QUALITY DRIVING QUALITY EYE TRACKING SUBJECTIVE ANALYSIS QUESTIONNAIREWORKLOAD · Task performance: · Success · Corrections · Failures · Time · Differences between the theoretical route and the performed by the user (LCT) · Time % sight out of the road · Number of times of sight out of the road · Maximum time sight out of the road · Accumulated distraction time ·Risk of error · Task difficulty · Easiness of use · Level of distraction DALI(Driver Activity Load Index ): · Attention · Visual · Auditory · Time · Interference · Stress. HMI Validation Funded by:
Support to existing services Support to exploitation models Mix of standard communication technologies Partners with diverse needs & goals Scalability in service and users Universal applicability Support to intermodal transport Communication platform development Funded by: