GEOMETRY VOCAB By Vaughn, Kyle and Doug. Intersecting Lines -Two lines that cross over one another.


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Presentation transcript:

GEOMETRY VOCAB By Vaughn, Kyle and Doug

Intersecting Lines -Two lines that cross over one another

Perpendicular Lines -two lines that intersect to form a right angle

Parallel Lines -Two lines that will never cross over one another

Congruent -Two line segments that are the same length approx. <------

Adjacent -Angles that are next to or close to each other

Vertical angles -2 angles that share a common vertex and whose sides form 2 lines

Supplementary Angles -two angles that add up to 180* 50* 130*

Complementary Angles -two angles that add up to 90* 45*

QUADRILATERALS 1) Quadrilateral - a polygon with four sides & four angles 2) Trapezoid - only one pair of parallel sides 3) Parallelogram - two pairs of parallel and congruent sides 4) Rhombus - two pairs of parallel lines & all four sides congruent 5) Rectangle - two pairs of parallel lines & all right angles 6) Square - two pairs of parallel lines, all 4 congruent sides, and all right angles.

PARTS OF A CIRCLE Circumference - the distance around Diameter - the distance across Radius - the distance from the center point to the outside edge Area - the amount of space it takes up

Perimeter and Circumfrence Eg =perimeter The distance around a closed circle The distance around the outside of a shape Circumference=pi x diameter

AREA OF A TRIANGLE Area = (Base x Height)/2



AREA OF A CIRCLE Area = Radius squared x pi

Archimedes He gave us the knowledge of planes and how to get areas of curved surfaces. He discovered an approximate value of pi. He was born in 287 in Syracuse. He died during the Second Punic War. We still used what he discovered today when we have to find the area of a ball or cylinder. His extremely accurate approximation of pi helps us calculate circle areas

We use geometry in everyday life in the following ways: We use geometry while we build something, we have to measure the angles and know the shapes to build things that will work

We use it when we plan out properties and figuring out who owns what property.

We use it when we plan roads and streets in our cities.

We use it when we draw and when we write.

We use geometry when architects design houses, they have to use angles and circles to design a good house.