Measurements of Denis Derkach Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire – ORSAY CNRS/IN2P3 FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 2 Wolfenstein parameterization CKM angle FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 3 Motivation and importance of measuring is still the less precisely known UT angle. Its determination is important also because (together with V ub contraint) it selects value valid in most of the NP extensions Experiments providing most of analyses today Experiments that can also give results in near future Planned facilities 3.5 GeV e + 8 GeV e – 657M BB pairs 3.1 GeV e + 9 GeV e – 468M BB pairs FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 4 measurements from B→D (*) K (*) u b u c V cb V us u s u b u u V cb V us c s u b u c V ub V cs u s V ub V cs u b s c u u relative phase b→cb→c b→ub→u Related variables (depend on the B meson decay channel): Advantages: Only tree decays. Largely unaffected by the New Physics scenarios Clear theoretical interpretation Disadvantages: Rare decays and low r B For charged B mesons For neutral B mesons B strong phase (CP conserving) Experimentally not easy to measure. Three ways to extract the information: GLW ADS Dalitz FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010 B+B+ D0D0 K+K+ B+B+ D0D0 K+K+ B+B+ D0D0 K+K+ B+B+ D0D0 K+K+ * * * *
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 5 measurements from B → D (*) K (*) d b u V cb V us c s d b d c V ub V cs u s relative phase b→c (V cb, real) b→u (V ub, = |V ub | e -i ) Related variables (depending on the B meson decay channel): Advantages: Only tree decays. Largely unaffected by the New Physics scenarios Clear theoretical interpretation Disadvantages: Rare decays and low r B For charged B mesons For neutral B mesons B strong phase (CP conserving) Experimentally not easy to measure. Three ways to extract the information: GLW ADS Dalitz d B0B0 B0B0 D0D0 D0D0 K* 0 FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 6 Results from B + → D 0 K + GGSZ, arXiv: * ADS, DK, D 0 →K preliminary* GLW, PRD 77, ADS, DK, D 0 →K PRD ADS, D 0 D 0 →K preliminary GGSZ, arXiv: * ADS, D 0 K, D 0 → K PRD 78, GLW, PRD 73, FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 7 GGSZ, arXiv: ADS, DK, D 0 →K preliminary GLW, PRD 73, GGSZ, arXiv: GLW, PRD 73, Results from B + → D *0 K +, D *0 → D 0 (D 0 ADS, D 0 D 0 →K preliminary FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 8 Results from B + → D 0 K *+ FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010 GGSZ, arXiv: ADS, DK, D 0 →K PRD 80, GLW, PRD 80, GGSZ, PRD 73,
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 9 ADS Method Modes: K + -, K , K GLW Method D 0 Modes: CP+ CP- measurements from B → DK (GGSZ) A. Giri, Yu. Grossman, A. Soffer, J. Zupan, PRD 68, (2003) Dalitz Method Modes: K s + - K s K + K - + - 0 strong phases varying over the Dalitz plane Advantages: large interferences in some Dalitz regions FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 10 ADS Method Modes: K + -, K , K GLW Method D 0 Modes: CP+ CP- measurements from B → DK (BaBar) Dalitz Method FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010 BaBar 425 fb -1 (468 MBB) arXiv: Signal is separated from background using m ES, Fisher (on event shape variables), E, (s−, s+). The reconstruction efficienciy is 22% Fit for yields and CP violating parameters Resonance structure provides an important information on the phases B+B+ B-B- BaBar only!
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 11 ADS Method Modes: K + -, K , K GLW Method D 0 Modes: CP+ CP- measurements from B → DK (Belle) Dalitz Method FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010 B+B+ B-B- Resonance structure provides an important information on the phases Belle 605 fb -1 (657 MBB) arXiv: Signal events yield (K s (K s (K s B ± → DK ± 757 ± ± ± 14
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 12 measurements from B → DK Dalitz Method FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010 Not an easy task to average the results, the model errors are not easy to be combined Main differences in D 0 → K s π + π - : – BaBar: K-matrix formalism for ππ S-wave, LASS model for Kπ S-wave. – Belle: Includes σ 1 and σ 2 ππ scalar resonances. K*0(1430) for Kπ Swave. BaBar result now also includes D 0 → K s K + K - See Nicola Neri’s talk!
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 13 Final Dalitz interpretation BaBar obtains γ = ( −14 ± 4 ± 3)° (from DK−, D*K−, DK*−) Belle obtains φ 3 = ( −12 ± 4 ± 9)° (from DK− & D*K−)
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 14 Dalitz Method Modes: K s + - K s K + K - + - 0 measurements from B → DK (ADS) D. Atwood, I. Dunietz and A. Soni, PRL 78, 3357 (1997). ADS Method Interplay between Doubly-Cabibbo-Suppressed and Cabibbo allowed D meson decay B+B+ B+→D0K+B+→D0K+ B+ →D0K+B+ →D0K+ V ub V cb D 0 → f DCS CA Same final state Branching fraction of processes is quite low (~10 -7 ) Parameters: { ; r B ; B } External Inputs: {r D ; D ; k D } D 0 Modes: K + -, K , K (CLEO-C, see talk by Chris Thomas) FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 15 Dalitz Method Modes: K s + - K s K + K - + - 0 measurements from B → DK (BaBar) ADS Method FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010 Two decay chains: Same sign Opposite sign Simultaneous fit to m ES and NN (based on Event shape variables Tagging variables) for both decay chains. Fitting directly R ADS and R +, R - to reconstruct asymmetry. BaBar 425 fb -1 (468 MBB) 26.3 opposite sign events fitted
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 16 Dalitz Method Modes: K s + - K s K + K - + - 0 measurements from B → DK (results) ADS Method FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 17 Dalitz Method Modes: K s + - K s K + K - + - 0 measurements from B → DK (GLW) M. Gronau, D. London, D. Wyler, PLB253,483 (1991); PLB 265, 172 (1991) ADS Method Modes: K + -, K , K GLW Method D 0 Modes: CP+ CP- Theoretically very clean to determine γ (with four observable) Many D 0 Modes reconstructed: FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010 CDF also gave the results with this type of analysis Coombination of A cp+ measurements gives > 3 difference from no CPV case
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 18 Combination of the methods The combination of all the methods can be performed giving
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 19 Results from B 0 → D 0 K *0 FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010 GGSZ, 371M BB ADS, 476M BB, DK, D 0 →K , D 0 →K , D 0 →K Promising channel at future experiments for measuring due to large value of r B. More statistics needed D sector measurements play an important role.
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 20 Conclusions Combining all B-factory results, there is a strong evidence of CP violation in B → D 0(*) K (*) The combination of all the method gives Well compatible with the prediction from SM Many analyses contribute. Big contributors are DK decay modes using Dalitz method. FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010 Need to reduce the error in order to see possible deviations: (Bayesian approach) (Frequentist approach) (Bayesian approach) (Frequentist approach)
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 21 Current Setups 3.5 GeV e + & 8 GeV e – beams L = 1.7 x cm –2 s –1 ∫Ldt = 820 fb Υ(4S)+off(~10%) 3.1 GeV e + & 9 GeV e – beams L = 1.2 x cm –2 s –1 ∫ L dt = 428 fb Υ(4S)+off (~10%) FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 22 Results from B + → D 0 K + GGSZ ADS GLW KK K KK A CP– A CP+ R CP– R CP+ Y- Y+ X- X+ FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 23 ADS GLW Results from B + → D *0 K +, D *0 → D 0 (D 0 Dalitz A CP– A CP+ R CP– R CP+ D* → D D* → D D* → D D* → D Y- Y+ X- X+ FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010
D. Derkach, Measurements of γ/φ3 24 Results from B + → D 0 K *+ GGSZ ADS GLW A CP– A CP+ R CP– R CP+ KK KK Y- Y+ X- X+ FPCP-2010 Turin, 25 th May, 2010