European Tourism Forum Bordeaux, September 2008 Ossian Stiernstrand Developing Pan European Themed Cultural Segments
coolcapitals Multi-Destination CTO-NTO Partnership to Profile the Contemporary Culture of European Cities
In 2003 the Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC) and the Amsterdam Tourism and Convention Board (ATCB) took the initiative to develop a multi-destination promotion in which the contemporary aspects of a select number of historic European cities will be highlighted. In 2003 and 2004 three European cities participated in the program. In 2005 and 2006 a fourth and fifth city were added. The city-partners in the program are Amsterdam, Antwerp, Valencia, Vienna and Zurich. Coolcapitals - Introduction 2. coolcapitals
Coolcapitals - How did it start? More mature US market ready for single destination promotion Lack of money at CTO’s (and NTO’s) Building on European Cities Network Initiative 2002 First start coolcapitals
Coolcapitals - Main objectives Get a preferred position in the top market segment Profile the Contemporary Culture of European Cities Generate more visitors to the participating cities in this segment 2. coolcapitals
The promotion is targeted at trendsetting, upscale travelers in America, with a strong focus on New York and Los Angeles, where most influencers are located. Image-building is an important part of the promotion, which should result in generating bookings/hotel nights for the participating cities. The promotion consists of a fully integrated marketing program in which the website plays a central role. Based on the results of the promotion in the first three years the program is continued in 2006 and beyond Coolcapitals - Introduction 2. coolcapitals
Advertising Web Off the beaten track promotion 75 % internet & new media 25 % traditional Coolcapitals - campaign content 2. coolcapitals New website launched in June New cool look, differentiating from regular travel sites. Geared to captivate three groups: people that will travel to one of the cities in near future, people that are considering the cities and people that are interested in the lifestyle subjects, but are not planning on traveling (yet). The website is ‘light’ but adequately informative. Coolcapitals - website 2. coolcapitals
The Premier League Cities – USA source market 3. Results Source: ECM REPORT Average annual growth (pct) -4% 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% * Turin Dubrovnik Dublin Prague Edinburgh Valencia Hamburg Tallinn Nuremberg Berlin Barcelona Budapest Cologne Granada * Copenhagen Dresden Madrid Seville Frankfurt * Florence Düsseldorf Munich Venice * Vienna Rome Stuttgart Salzburg * Gothenburg Zurich Lisbon Stockholm London Geneva Helsinki Brussels Paris Amsterdam Bratislava Oslo Nice I. Average annual growth – USA bednights ** (percentage growth) Benchmark average = 2,1 % 35% 33% 0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 London Paris Rome Dublin * Florence Amsterdam Barcelona Madrid Prague Venice * Vienna Edinburgh Munich Berlin Budapest Frankfurt Zurich * Copenhagen Brussels Lisbon Nice Seville Stockholm Salzburg * Turin Geneva Hamburg Cologne Granada Helsinki Stuttgart Oslo Dubrovnik Düsseldorf Nuremberg Valencia Dresden * Gothenburg Tallinn Bratislava II.– USA bednight volumes and the cities’ group-market shares in % 15% 11% 4,6% 3,9% 3,3% 3,0% 2,8% 2,6% 2,4% 2,3% 1,9% 1,6% 1,5% 1,2% 1,1%0,9% 0,8% 0,7% 0,6%0,5% 0,4% 0,3% 0,2% 0,1% 3,8% Aggregated USA bednights in the Premier League cities = 27,3million Bednight Volumes in millions
The Premier League Cities – USA source market 3. Results Nominal bednight growth in thousands Prague Dublin Edinburgh Barcelona * Turin Berlin Madrid * Florence Rome Budapest Dubrovnik * Copenhagen Hamburg Frankfurt Munich Seville Venice * Vienna Cologne Granada Valencia Nuremberg Tallinn Dresden Düsseldorf Stuttgart * Gothenburg Salzburg Bratislava Stockholm Lisbon Zurich Geneva Helsinki Oslo Brussels Nice London Amsterdam Paris III. Average annual bednight growth – USA bednights ** (nominal growth) Edinburgh London Dublin Paris Rome Barcelona * Florence Munich * Vienna Berlin * Turin Prague Amsterdam Venice Hamburg Madrid Dubrovnik Zurich Budapest Seville Salzburg * Copenhagen Lisbon Valencia Granada Nuremberg Düsseldorf Brussels Geneva Dresden Tallinn Cologne Stuttgart Stockholm Oslo * Gothenburg Bratislava Helsinki Nice Frankfurt IV. Last year’s growth performance - USA bednights 2006 (nominal & percentage growth) Group’s average growth rate 2006 = 10,4% % 7% 28% 5% 8% 14% 7% 12%11% 15% 51% 9% 4% 5%32% 4% 44% 9% 6% 11%13%7%9%42%15%17%10%2%4%11%14%3% 1%-2%-5%-10%-3%-2%-7% Benchmark nominal average = Benchmark nominal average = Source: ECM REPORT