Why Can’t We Be Friends? Lesson 7 — 2:1-11 Sunday, October 27
The Exhortation (vv. 1-4) The Basis for Unity (v. 1) “Encouragement in Christ” “Comfort from love” “Participation in the Spirit” “Affection & sympathy”
The Exhortation (vv. 1-4) The Desire for Unity (v. 2a) The Explanation of Unity (v. 2b) “Having the same love” “Being of full accord” “Being…of one mind”
The Exhortation (vv. 1-4) The Expression of Unity (vv. 3-4) 1.Humility (v. 3) – This is internal. 2.Ministry (v. 4) – This is external.
The Enablement (vv. 5-11) 1. Unity (v. 6) 2. Humility (v. 7-8a) 3. Ministry (v. 8b-c) 4. Exaltation (vv. 9-11)
Why Can’t We Be Friends? Lesson 7 — 2:1-11 Sunday, October 27