1 Lesson 9: Buy-In, Victory, Momentum, Prioritization, Sacrifice, Timing, Succession, Servanthood, Self-Awareness, & Stewardship Dr. Michael J. Pierson Exit
2 And more characteristics… Exit
3 Leadership Is Buy-In Exit
4 What Is Buy-In? Exit
5 Buy-In Is… l It is a unity of spirit. l It is a sense of purpose & a collective will. l It is the organizational energy supporting the leader & the organization’s vision. Exit
6 l A house divided against itself cannot stand. l Leaders must unite people before they can be moved. l Quality leadership produces unity & a collective feeling of ownership. l Without unity, there is a decline in the sense of purpose. Exit
7 The Sequence Of Buy-In l Followers must first buy into the leader. l Second, followers must buy into the leader’s vision. Exit
8 Leader Get another leader Get another vision Get behind leader No buy-in Buy-in Buy-in Vision+Result = Buy-inBuy-in Exit
9 Leadership Is Victory Exit
10 What Is Victory? Exit
11 l When there is a crisis, great leaders are at their best. l Mandela described himself as “an ordinary man who had become a leader because of extraordinary circumstances.” Exit
12 l Good leaders find a way for their followers to win. l Good leaders will break down big problems into things that can be accomplished to insure small wins. l Good leaders do not have a plan B. l Leaders must win! Exit
13 What are the elements of victory? Exit
14 1. Unity Of Vision l It does not matter how much talent you have; if unity of vision is missing, you will fail. Exit
15 2. Diversity Of Skill Bank l Organizations must have diverse talents; we do not need a team of quarterbacks. Exit
16 3. A Leader Committed To Victory l Leaders make things happen. l A leader must understand the goal and communicate that goal to followers. l Each follower must understand their relationship to that goal. l Leaders must know the amount and direction of change needed to get to that goal. Exit
17 “What is our aim? I can answer in one word: victory - victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be: for without victory there is no survival.” Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Exit
18 Leadership Is Momentum Exit
19 What Is Momentum? Exit
20 Momentum Is… l Generally, momentum is the difference between winning and losing. l It is a leader’s best friend. l It makes leaders look better than they are. l It makes followers perform beyond their capacity. Exit
21 l It is easy to start but difficult to steer. l With enough momentum, any change is possible. l It takes less effort to change the direction or guide something that is already moving than it does to get something moving from a standstill. Exit
22 Leadership Is Prioritization Exit
23 What Is Prioritization? Exit
24 Prioritization Is… l Understanding what is required of you. l Understanding what gives the greatest return on investment. l Understanding that activity is not necessarily accomplishment. Exit
25 l Understanding that activities that do not add value should not be a priority. l Understanding that any action that does not serve the long-term goals & vision of the organization is useless. Exit
26 The Pareto Principle l 80% of our trouble comes from only 20% of our problems. l Therefore, we need to focus on the significant 20% of our problems. l Don’t be distracted by the insignificant 80%. Exit
27 How do we find the significant 20%? Exit
28 20% of our trouble comes from 80% of our problems 80% of our trouble comes from 20% of our problems Don’t focus here 80% 20% Focus here 80% 20% Exit
29 Leadership Is Sacrifice Exit
30 What Is Sacrifice? Exit
31 l You have to give up things to be an effective leader. l There is no success without sacrifice. l The demands on time and attention are so high that there is very little time, energy, & resources left over. Exit
32 l A singular sacrifice seldom brings victory, it is an ongoing process. l For every leader the nature of sacrifice is different. l What got the organization where they are will not keep them there. Exit
33 Leadership Costs The more leadership you assume, the more responsibilities you acquire. Responsibilities Leadership Exit
34 Leadership Costs The more leadership you assume, the fewer rights you have. Rights Leadership Exit
35 l Followers submit to the leader to meet the needs of the organization. l Leaders sacrifice their rights for organizational good. Exit
36 Leadership Is Timing Exit
37 What Is Timing? Exit
38 l When to do something is as important as what to do. l Leaders cannot focus on doing and ignore timing. Exit
39 l All the planning in the world can not compensate for bad timing. l Timing & planning are always in conflict; consequently, leaders must balance prompt action with deliberate, just-in-time planning. Exit
40 Action & Timing Outcomes DisasterResistanceMistakeSuccessWrongTimeWrongTimeRightTime Right time WrongActionRightActionWrongAction Right action Exit
41 When the right action and the right timing come together, incredible things can happen! Exit
42 When Timing Is Missed, Opportunity Will Be Lost! Exit
43 Leadership Is Succession Exit
44 What Is Succession? Getting the next group of leaders ready. Exit
45 l Leadership can be exercised, abdicated, or passed on to your successor. l Succession is a key responsibility of leaders. l A leader should put the organization in a position to do great things without him or her. Exit
46 An Example l When former CEO of General Electric Jack Welch retired, he had groomed several of his vice presidents to replace him. l The man chosen is said to be a Jack Welch clone. l The company did not lose momentum or sight of its vision with the change in leadership. Exit
47 As A Leader Remember… l Personnel determines the potential of an organization. l Relationships determine the morale of an organization. l Structure determines the size of an organization. Exit
48 l Vision determines the direction of an organization. l Leadership determines the success of an organization. Exit
49 Leadership Is Servanthood Exit
50 If you want to be a good leader, become a good servant! Exit
51 What Is Servanthood? Exit
52 The First Element In Servanthood Is Self-Denial l This is the first step; it is not optional. l Self-denial is at the heart of a servant. l It allows organizational needs to be more important than personal needs. Exit
53 The Second Element Of Servanthood Is Humility l Servant leaders give followers credit for success. l Servant leaders take responsibility for failures. l Above all else, they express appreciation. Exit
54 The Third Element Of Servanthood Is Service l You can’t be a servant without service. l The way of most organizations is power & privilege. l This way destroys our ability to serve & compliment each other. Exit
55 We must discover that serving is better than controlling! Exit
56 What Have You Learned? 1. Followers must buy-in to the leader’s vision before they will buy-in to the leader. 2. Leaders know when to give up if it looks like they are going to lose. 3. Leaders focus on momentum because it is easier to change the direction of something that is already in motion. Directions: Read each question & click on “T” (true) or “F” (false). Exit T T T F F F
57 4. Some major events probably would have turned out differently if they had happened at a different time in history. 5. You can’t be a servant leader without serving. Directions: Read each question & click on “T” (true) or “F” (false). Exit T T F F
58 6. We should focus on the 20% of our _________ that cause 80% of our _________ that cause 80% of our _________. _________. A. trouble, problems A. trouble, problems B. problems, trouble B. problems, trouble 7. The leadership you assume, the responsibilities you acquire and the rights you have. A. more, more, more B. less, less, less C. more, more, less D. less, more, less Directions: Read each question & click on the best answer. AB Exit A C B D
59Assignments l Use PowerPoint to develop a concept map of Lesson 9 and it to your professor. l Complete the Leadership Self- Assessment, save as a Word document, and it to your professor by the completion of Lesson 9. Exit
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