District Vision The St. Helena Parish School District seeks to create a productive school culture that increases student achievement, improves educator effectivenss, and builds public confidence.
2013 Immediate Goals Most improved district in the state this testing cycle.
St. Helena Parish Faculty Meeting St. Helena Central High School Thursday, November 7, 2013
“To truly improve achievement, educators must focus on desired results, set clear and obtainable goals, and discuss progress on these goals throughout the learning process. As educators discuss progress, they must use the data to inform, and possibly change, teaching methods.” Cara Shores & Kim Chester, 2009 Quote
DO NOW List three to five outcomes of USING DATA TO DRIVE INSTRUCTION.
outcomes... Effectively planning Address students’ learning styles Organize small groups Differentiate instruction Effectively communicate with parents Continuous improvement Helps all students reach their maximam potential Better use of instructional time Progress monitor Identify strengths and weaknesses Recommend students for special services (gifted, 504) Robust Response to Intervention (RtI) program
Quick discussion Pair Share Discuss your notes with your shoulder partner. Then, identify one item that you would like to share with the group.
today’s aim: Discuss the importance of USING DATA TO DRIVE INSTRUCTION. Identify types of DATA SETS. Learn how to do a quick analysis of a data set. Create a DATA WALL
Data sets FORMAL End of Course Tests Odysseyware Unit Test LEAP/iLEAP DIBELS Discipline Referrals INFORMAL Teacher Observation Formative Assessment Student Discussion Lunch Detention Numbers
Discussion Once you’ve identified a DATA SET you would like to use, what do you do with it?
data wall example
Quick discussion
Group Activity Groups are divided by 4s Review the data charts Identify any trends Complete an analysis based on the trends Develop a goal for your students Create a “data wall” to clearly identify student performance and established goal
Today’s AIM Discuss the importance of USING DATA TO DRIVE INSTRUCTION. Identify types of DATA SETS. Learn how to do a quick analysis of a data set. Create a DATA WALL
ticket out the door Identify The Mindful Teaching Framework phases that were used during this Faculty Meeting Readiness Quote Do Now Whole Group Discussion Video Clip Pair Share Delivery Stated AIM Whole Group Discussion Video Clip Quick Whole Discussion Performance Guided practice Group Activity Presentations Transfer Ticket out the door