Test status Magnet delivery to FermilabApr. 02 SG checkoutApr. 04 LE & RE interface plate mounting Apr Magnet delivery to MTFApr. 09 Test plan: Still open for changes Add the quench protection test plan Add the magnetic measurement plan Work on detailed test plan and the magnet description document in progress Electrical data and SG data received 2
Test status: SG data checkout 3
Test status 4
Test Plan status Strain Gauge readings with LBNL system – confirm no changes Apr. 04 Any seq R, hipots, impulse tests etc? Seq. R and Hipot will be done at VMTF Did we confirm the protection heater circuits? Will be specified in the magnet description document Are we going to connect the acoustic sensors? Yes if 10 kHz sampling rate is OK 60 mΩ dump resistor Symmetric grounding at Fermilab, 450 V max at 15 kA 7
Test Plan status (cont’d) Any plans for cool-down rates? At CERN we put 50K max top to bottom, maybe it can be relaxed a little bit 100 K in LQS magnets Which readings during cool-down (SG was set at 5 min) At Fermilab at 3 min Magnetic measurements – again reference appropriate section manual trips and heater provoked quenches at Imax ≤ 5 kA 8