Brenda Wilson Gifted Coordinator Lucas County Educational Service Center Springfield Local Schools
Used to check for learning and to drive instruction` There are many ways to collect formative assessment data. Students may be assessed individually, in a small group, or as a whole class. Informal observation, taking anecdotal notes, mini-conferencing Different than grading summative
To meet the needs of various learning styles: Provide the assessment questions in a quick visual format that can be viewed electronically or printed out. To help students grasp concepts: Provide the answers (nearly immediate feedback) To help teachers focus on teaching rather than on paperwork: Get a snapshot of what students know without hours of grading
Create an assessment on PowerPoint and make it available online or on a server. Provide an answer sheet to the student Students click through while completing the assessment. Show Power Point to entire class. Students answer individually using cards. Teacher uses a roster to check for incorrect answers.
Small groups may work at a computer or laptop with a teacher and answer questions verbally as they go through the Power Point. If Power Point is shown to the entire class, students may also answer as groups or teams. Students in groups may create their own assessments from facts they have learned to quiz classmates.
If a Power Point is show to a whole class as a formative assessment, discussion can take place as individual students answer questions. Assessment questions can refer to maps, charts, or videos when presented through Power Point. This is a quick way for teachers to gauge classroom understanding of a concept.
Formative assessments can be given to a)Individuals b)Small Groups c)Whole class d)All of the above Use flip cards or have students raise their hands for the answers.
Create an Assessment Set up answers after entire quiz or immediately following each question