1st Year Review Chad 1 Presented by: Adama Sanogo Title: Projects and Ops Coordinator Date: 18 June 2016
2 Planned Actual Campaign Summary Achievements: Remaining and Upcoming Activities Numbers of Trainers Trained : 20 Number of Health workers trained : 104 Number of volunteers trained : 1038 Maximum number of children treated : 272,381 Report on lessons learned TBD 1.Dakar Meeting 2.Official Country Launch 3.Micro-planning 4.Train the trainers 5.Training of Health workers 6.Training of Distributors / Relay SMC Cycles 11. Lessons Learned 11 Legend of Key StepsGreyInitial PlanningGreenCompleted in TimeYellowAcceptable DelayRedExcessive Delay Mar 2015April 2015May 2015June 2015July 2015Aug 2015Sept 2015Oct 2015Nov 2015Dec 2015Jan ? ?
Approaches and methods of distribution Door to door was used in all SMC zones In the 92 zones of responsibility, 1018 community relay teams were deployed Each team consisted of two distribution agents Health workers were responsible for organizing and overseeing the supervision of the teams
4 Training and Tools (I) Trained Personnel Expert Trainers (08) CSSI = 03; NMCP = 03; DPLM = 01, MC = 01 National Trainers (14) District medical chief = 06; PFP = 06; delegates = 02 Health centre workers (104)HCM = 92; other HW = 12 Supervisors and Relay (2131)Relay = 2038; Sup = 293
5 Tools distributed Communication Media: Banners, posters, audio material in 3 languages, stickers Training Manuals : All actors trained were supplied with the relevant manual Expert trainers, regional delegates, the DMC and HCM received the trainer's guides. For exercises and for the reference, they received a batch of management, monitoring and SMC administration forms Posters: 350 posters were produced by the Health Districts and distributed among health centers. Stickers Tools and Training (II)
6 Training manuals were all used. The assessment sheets were less used Training tools were useful, but numerous and large for 2 days; language was not understood by certain community relays Outlook: Summarise the tools for Supervisors and community relays; Diversify the training languages; More practical than theoretical training for relay teams Provide for recycling prior to each cycle…
Administrative Coverage Summary (I) REGION/STATEDISTRICT/LGA TARGET 1st Cycle2nd Cycle3rd Cycle4th Cycle TreatedCoverage TreatedCoverage TreatedCoverage TreatedCoverage Chari-Baguirmi Massenya 46,19542,68492%44,11195%47,449103%48,222104% Dourbali 58,02347,14881%57,65799%56,28297%57,65799% Mandelia 49,52644,61290%47,02795%47,496%47,76396% Hadjer-Lamis Massakory 58,86655,13794%57,19797%56,5396%60,097102% Massaguet 38,90537,54997%38,65999%38,68799%35,0790% Mani 23,48523,10398%23,635101%24,169103%23,572100% TOTAL ,23391%268,28698%270,51798%272,38199%
Administrative Coverage Summary (II) Add histogram that shows a bar for the current coverage and a bar for the target
Stock Summary RegionsDistrictsReceivedadministeredWastedLoss Remaini ng Check Chari Baguirmi Mandelia228,318186, Dourbali211,960218, Massenya192,426182, Hadjer- Lamis Mani92,28394, Massaguet125,369149, Massakory225,468228, Total61,075,8241,061,417 1,479 3,152 9,776
Pharmacovigilance Summary 11 Sick Children and Referred Mandelia Dourbal i ManiMassenMassagMassak TOTAL
Pharmacovigilance (II) The official copy of the PV guidelines does not exist in the HW. Manuals were delivered late after formal training For all cycles forms existed in all centers 4613 reported cases with 65% of the forms completed correctly There were no cases of severe adverse reactions. An alert had other causes (Mandelia) The subject of this alert was admitted at a Health District then at a hospital where the mother and her child fully recovered. The case was reported through PV form; circumstantial report of the DMC, CSSI Report; Medical report from the doctor (4 submitted reports)
IEC/BCC Methods Key methods used (media, tools, targeted audiences) Meetings Advocacy (with authorities and communities) Mass communications (via mass media) Most effective methods identified Radio broadcasts (DAB and FM), Interactive radio programmes, Technical guides, posters, stickers and logos, banners, town criers Changes considered for 2016 Planning timely BCC activities Identification of other channels and mobilisation targets Develop other SMC visibility kits
3 Key Successes Rewarding results with an overall coverage rate of 96%. Commitment and active involvement of authorities, leaders, religious leaders, traditional leaders and communities; Good coordination of activities
3 Key Issues Weakness in financial management CHWs had difficulties using all of the tools Dificulties putting in place the national structures and systems for PV
Support from Other Partners NMCP: Guidance on National strategy Support in the customisation of tools, planning, training, mobilisation and M&E CPA: Management of the supply chain DPML: Support in PV implementation Delegation, DS and ZR: Operational support in the planning, distribution and social mobilization. LSHTM: PV Training; Studies on the prevalence of drug resistance markers in SMC 16
Role of NMCP / Min. of Health SMC is part of national policies / strategies of health programmes and health development plans The government is a bit active in financing SMC In 2013 the state budget supported a SMC project