Sources Final paper Number of sources At least 5 sources beyond those provided Types of sources Books Journal articles Chapters in edited volumes Newspaper articles (e.g. for question 3) Web sites (academic institutions: museums, universities, research groups/projects) Web-based publications (e.g. pdf on Mining bibliographies Brown library website Basic search Databases
Argumentation Final paper Planning Outlines (pros and cons) Problem and argument Introduction Attention-getter (avoid broad generalizations) Problem/question Thesis/central claim Body Structure Paragraphs (should have a focus and make a point) Evidence (e.g. to define the problem or back up claims) Drawing on other arguments made by others Conclusion Restating problem/question and thesis/central claim
Formatting Final paper Spacing Double-spaced Margins 1-inch margins (left, right, top, bottom) Page numbers On all pages Page count 8–10 pages Title page Course title, course number, semester, paper title, author, submission date Bibliography At the end of the paper Not included in page count
Citations and bibliography Final paper Citations In-text citations Having reached a maximum extent of at least 130 hectares during the Late Chalcolithic period, the settled area at Tell Brak had retreated significantly by the beginning of the third millennium (Ur et al. 2011: 6–9, 17). During the Ninevite 5 period, occupation was restricted to the high mound and has only been uncovered in a few, relatively small exposures (Matthews 2003a; Ur et al. 2011: 9). As at a number of other major sites in the region, there was then a sudden expansion in settled area around 2600 BC, with evidence for occupation not only on the high mound but also across a broad Lower Town, resulting in a total occupied area of approximately 70 hectares. The Lower Town is only visible today as a sherd scatter in the fields to the south of the mound (Ur et al. 2011: 9–12). Room 2 was lined, along its northeastern and southeastern walls, with seven small, domed ovens and a bin of uncertain function. Room 3 was found empty but, according to the excavators, was probably a storeroom (Emberling et al. 1999: 9– 15; Emberling and McDonald 2003: 38–39).
Citations and bibliography Final paper Bibliography (i.e. sources cited in the paper) Chicago style (Chicago Manual of Style) Oates, David, and Joan Oates. 2001a. Archaeological reconstruction and historical commentary. In Excavations at Tell Brak, vol. 2: Nagar in the third millennium BC, ed. David Oates, Joan Oates, and Helen McDonald, 379–396. McDonald Institute Monographs. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research; London: British School of Archaeology in Iraq. ———. 2001b. The excavations. In Excavations at Tell Brak, vol. 2: Nagar in the third millennium BC, ed. David Oates, Joan Oates, and Helen McDonald, 15–98. McDonald Institute Monographs. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research; London: British School of Archaeology in Iraq. Pollock, Susan Ancient Mesopotamia: The Eden that never was. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ——— Feasts, funerals, and fast food in early Mesopotamian states. In The archaeology and politics of food and feasting in early states and empires, ed. Tamara L. Bray, 17–38. Postgate, J. N Early Mesopotamia: Society and economy at the dawn of history. London: Routledge. ——— How many Sumerians per hectare? Probing the anatomy of an early city. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 4, no. 1: 47–65.
Grading Final paper Argument and organization Appropriate introduction and conclusion Clearly articulated problem or question Clearly articulated thesis or main claim Clear organization (at sentence, paragraph, and paper level) Coherent argument Evidence and sources Did you reference appropriate sources? Did you reference these sources correctly? Is your use of the sources accurate and relevant? Writing and style Grammar Syntax Flow Clarity Word choice Logistics Did you adhere closely to the assignment (questions, formatting, etc.)? 10 points