Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 8
Alight Jennifer watcher a cardinal alight upon the bench outside her window. Awakened by the smell of smoke, he looked outside and saw the barn alight.
Alight Verb – to descend and settle, as after flying Adjective – burning; lighted
convalesce Tom had a long period to convalesce after the car accident.
Convalesce Verb – to recover one’s health
dainty Eileen stores her dainty, crystal figurines in a glass display case, away from her children’s curious hands.
dainty Adjective – preciously delicate or charming
feint The boxer feinted to the right to throw his opponent off guard, and then struck him with a sharp left hook. The swordsman did not fall for the villian’s feint.
feint Verb – to distract an opponent by pretending to move in one direction and then moving in another Noun – a deceptive act meant to distract or deceive one’s opponent
implore Theresa implored the king to spare her brother, who was caught spying.
implore Verb – to beg
impugn The prosecutor impugned the defendant’s alibi at every available opportunity.
impugn Verb – to attack as false; to cast doubt on
integral Daily practice is integral to a successful season.
integral Adjective – necessary to make something complete; essential
jurisdiction The state trooper does not have the jurisdiction to arrest people in the neighboring state. The suspect escaped punishment by fleeing the detective’s jurisdiction.
jurisdiction Noun – the authority to interpret and apply the law The geographical range of an authority
malnutrition The castaway knew that he would suffer from malnutrition if he did not find something other than coconuts to eat.
malnutrition Noun – a lack of proper nutrition
meddle Mrs. Thompson told her children not to meddle in the affairs of strangers.
meddle Verb – to intrude in the business of others; to interfere
Painstaking After ten years of painstaking research, the scientist finally make a breakthrough.
painstaking Adjective – using or requiring great care and effort
pantheon The Novel Prize pantheon includes such people as Marie Curie and Albert Einstein.
Pantheon Noun – a group of highly regarded people A place dedicated to highly regarded people
sear To sear the meat, the chef turned the flame up on the grill. During the heat wave, the sun seared,the leaves of the delicate tree.
sear Verb – to scorch or burn the surface of To make dry and withered
vertical A vertical column of water shot into the air after Tim’s car struck the fire hydrant.
vertical Adjective – perpendicular to the horizon
Wince Dominic winced when he saw the antique vase fall from the shelf.
Wince Verb – to flinch