A Seminar Report On Fracture Mechanism In Design And Failure Analysis PREPARED BY ABHISHEK KUMAR SHARMA ME-3rd Roll No.:0816440002
Introduction Fracture Separation of solid into two or more pieces under applied load or stress Applied load or stress may be tensile or compressive in nature Fracture due to Crack initiation Crack propagation Fracture Fracture Fracture Mechanism In Design And Failure Analysis
Principles of Fracture Mechanics Quantitative study of failure is called fracture mechanics Fracture mechanics is the relationship between Material properties Stress level Presence of cracks/defects in material Types of crack-propagating mechanisms The aim is: “ design to prevent structural failure” Intention is to allow better design we design, only works well if ……………fracture and inter-relationships and limitations. Fracture Mechanism In Design And Failure Analysis
Classification Fracture Brittle Fracture Ductile Fracture Fracture in material can be broadly classified in two main category; Fracture Ductile Fracture Brittle Fracture Fracture Mechanism In Design And Failure Analysis
Ductile Fracture Occurs after prolonged plastic deformation. Crack initiates from formation of voids and propagates slowly. Ductile y < f yields before fracture Characteristic stress-strain curve for ductile material Ex: Aluminum and it’s alloy Ex: Aluminum and it’s alloy Fracture Mechanism In Design And Failure Analysis
Mechanism of Ductile Fracture Original specimen Necking Crack Nucleation Crack Growth Shearing at surface Fracture Fracture Mechanism In Design And Failure Analysis
Shape of work piece in Ductile Fracture In ductile fracture Cup and Cone shape occurs Cup Cone
Brittle Fracture Failure of material due to rapid rate of crack propagation Negligible plastic deformation occurs Brittle y > f fractures before yielding Characteristic stress-strain curve for brittle material Ex: Grey Cast Iron Fracture Mechanism In Design And Failure Analysis
F F F F Mechanism of Ductile Fracture Force applied in initial condition F F Sudden Fracture without plastic deformation Sudden Fracture without plastic deformation F F
Shape of work piece in Brittle Fracture Does not occurs any cup and cone shape work piece breaks with a rough flat surface Flat Rough Surface
Conditions/Modes of Fracture Excessive elastic deformation Excessive loading condition Fatigue Creep formation Torsion Elastic buckling Strain rate Elastic buckling Fracture Mechanism In Design And Failure Analysis
Methods of protection against Fracture Analysis of Design Selection of material Chemical composition Heat treatment introduces compressive stress Surface treatment (involves Etching and Sizing) Selection of material Fine grain control Fracture Mechanism In Design And Failure Analysis